Free Time

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"hmmm, if these ones are blind then they should have great hearing to back up their seeing problems.  if so then, it could be possible to use a kind of technique to lower or mute any sounds we make so we won't be able to alert them of our presence" the red eyed twin stated with interest if their subject.

The two twins were in their room, laying in one bed on their stomach as they studied the *book that was given to Cale days ago.
*the book being referred to is the similar book given to Cale by Mephisto in the chapter Bond

The purple eyed child nodded to the twins words as he stared at the book's description. as one detail caught his eye, "in addition to their loud hearings, they have very loud screams that are able to burst eardrums especially sensitive ones, they use this as a mechanism to distract and delay the targets movements?...." Cain paused as he tilted his head at this statement, it doesn't make sense if the wielder itself has high hearing and it's weapon is a loud sound, doesn't it contradict with each other?

Cale glanced at his brother before giggling as if he heard what he was thinking, "yep! they do contradict with each other but they do have these special thing where every time they scream or their fellow make these sounds their eardrums adjust it's sensitivity so that they won't be affected! it's very interesting right??"

Cain slowly nodded his eyes studying the picture in the book before blurting out, "it's ugly"

Cale paused, blinking before letting out a laugh at his brother's bluntness.

"Do you really think so?"


The red eyed child lets out a few giggles, can't blame him. who would even like to see a very tall creature with big round head and has so many small round eyes around it that has no use with a nasty dry lips, big large ears and a very skinny and bony like body?

the door opened to their room revealing the red haired pup

"Papa!" Cale grinned happily as he saw his loving father while as Cain just nodded as he took not of his presence.

the male went towards the twins shared bed, sitting next to them with a smile as he said, "how are my little pups doing?"

"Good!!" the energetic twin said

"good? that's good to know. what are you reading?"

"book that dad gave me! see!!?" Cale said closing the book and showing the male the cover 

Cain glanced at his brother with a furrowed eyebrow and a face that almost looked like pouting, not appreciating the fact that his brother closed the book, meaning they have to look for the page where they stopped again.

"ahh, it's great that you're studying Cale, but I'm worried that you might be focusing too much on those..." Beryl said with a worried smile.

"Don't worry papa, I'm doing it for fun, I'm not doing it for father." Cale said as he placed the book back down on the bed, his hand on top of the book, still holding it.

"oh, good good, I wouldn't want you two to just... be too focused and just follow on what ever Nergal tell you to do."

Cain who heard that quietly looked away, was he really not supposed to do everything he was told? if not follow then why order? is what he thought to hisself, was it selfish of him?

"Hmph! as if!! I will only follow if I want! I won't and will never do anything I don't want, and that's a promise!!"

"yeah, that's nice." Beryl smiled at Cale

Cain lets out a quiet grumble as he slowly and quietly tried to take the book from Cale's hand. Cale noticed this and lets go of the book, letting Cain take it.

"Soo, are you two just planning on reading until later?"

"hmm, I dunno!"

"huh. hmm" Beryl placed his hand on his chin as he thought for a moment. "move aside" he said as he moved on the bed, going on the middle of the bed and patted his sides to the twins.

The twins got his message and went towards him, Cale sitting on the middle on his legs and Cain on right side. Cain passed the book towards Beryl as he took it.

Beryl began to talk about the different creatures and some of his encounters with them if there was any, as the two twins listened two him, shooting questions from time to time before they started to fall asleep.

Beryl stopped talking as soon as he noticed the two sleeping on on his sides. he lets out a soft smile, softly running his hand on their hair before leaning down and giving them a kiss on their foreheads.

he gently picked them up, laying them properly on their bed and placing a blanket on top of them. he quietly walked out of the room, closing the door behind him before a voice made him jump on his feet.

"enjoying your time?" the white haired male said, leaning agains the wall arms folded

"... Deus. what could you possibly want, staying in front of their room?" Beryl asked, furrowing his eyebrows, suspicious of the male

Deus stopped leaning on the wall, raising his hand up, "not here to make troubles. just wanted to see how's the little brats before the training tomorrow."

Beryl stoped looking at him suspiciously as he looked at him with an innocent look on his face "oh, so you're worried."


"I'M NOT WORRIED YOU MUTT!!" Deus yelled embarrassed.

"SHUT UP THE KIDS ARE SLEEPING!!" Beryl yelled back


Deus lets out a scoff, turning his back as he waves while walking away. "whatever, see you later."

"hmph..." Beryl huffed before walking on the same path as Deus.

Deus noticing the red head following him making him turn, pointing a finger at him, "Stop following me!!"

"I'm not following you!! we're just headed on the same direction!!"

Deus huffed turning back and walked angrily.

the two passed Mephisto, who witnessed the exchange, soon commented, "oh my, looks like the two married couple fought again"

"SHUT UP!! THERES NO WAY IN LIFE OR ANY WAY I'D DATE THIS IDIOT!! STOP COPYING ME!!" the two yelled in sync making the science chuckle.

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