52 Old Flame, I Fell for Your Inferno

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Bobby and Lili deal with the aftermath of THAT phone call. Things are about to get pants-shittingly uncertain.


Bobby sighed dreamily and stared at the ceiling. His sleep had been restless, his brain simply refusing to shut down after what had happened.

He could still hear it. Lili's soft moans and sighs. The splashing water. The way she cried out his name. A tingle trailed up his spine and his cock stirred to life. They'd really done it. They'd had phone sex. Or sex on the phone. Or... something. He wasn't sure what to call it, but he'd definitely come all over himself and so had she.

It was... beautiful. His sheet began to tent, and he huffed a laugh, shifting to adjust himself.

At the end of the call, Lili's teasing voice, so soft and satiated, had filled him with halting hope. Excitement really. She was coming to his flat again this weekend. Would she pull him into her arms like she always did, in a safe, friendly hug? Or would she wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him with the same reckless longing that was throbbing inside of him?

Maybe she wouldn't do either. Thick cords of anxiety began tightening around his delicate hope. Maybe she wouldn't show up at all. He tried to rescue the feeling. To think about kissing her, but the cords constricted into knots that his hopefulness couldn't escape from.

His daydream of long, hot kisses and entwined limbs and stroking the line of her nose while she slept, was likely nothing but a fantasy. A fantasy that could destroy their friendship. He'd been content to avoid thinking about the consequences of their phone call, but now, his thoughts were tethered by harsh reality. He knew Lili. And if there was one thing she was good at, it was avoiding anything that overwhelmed or confused her. And he had no doubt that she'd woken up confused as hell. After all, could anyone, even without their complicated history, go back to being friends after wanking with each other?

He stumbled out of bed and stared out the window, hoping for some clarity, but there was no morning sun to warm and reassure him. Instead, a thunderstorm beat against his bedroom window, as if Mother Nature herself was weighing in on all the ways he'd fucked up his life in a single, perfect moment.

Eager to escape the gnarl of his fears, he stripped off his pyjamas and climbed into the shower before the water had even warmed up. The shock of it woke him, for better or worse. Everything was a mess. He leaned his head against the wall and groaned, wishing like he had so many times, that they were simply a boy and girl who fell for each other and lived happily ever after. But they weren't. And they hadn't.

He stayed in until the hot water was gone, and he was shivering. His morning routine came and went, and like always, he checked his phone. Lili usually called him around this time but it didn't ring. He waited five minutes. Ten minutes. Fifteen. His chest tightened. Lili not calling was a bad sign. His thumb hovered over her face in his contacts, but out of pure cowardice he turned his phone over and sat it on the counter.

Maybe it was better not to know.

Shaking his head, he forced himself to start his morning baking. He made scones and clootie dumpling cupcakes, mixing everything mechanically. His body did the work, while his mind kept returning to the silent phone, willing it to ring one moment, willing it not to ring the next.

While everything cooled, he pulled a pan of ginger tiffin from his refrigerator and began cutting it into small squares. On the counter, his phone suddenly pulsed with Lili's ringtone.

Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere

He dropped the knife and it nearly landed on his foot, but he jumped back at the last second.

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