28 One Minute There was Road Beneath Us, the Next Just Sky

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This chapter contains gropes, dirty jokes & butterscotch chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
**Viewer Discretion is Advised**

Bobby woke up groggy and anxious. He brushed his teeth and showered, feeling half-alive. There was no sense of time in the villa, the phones didn't even have clocks, but he guessed that he'd only gotten about two hours of sleep. Lili was gone when he got up and he hadn't been able to find her anywhere, which only spiked his anxiety.

He had no idea what had happened the night before. Things seemed so great. They'd kissed and cuddled and done bits and she said that she might be all in with him. And then Lucas said something to her about wanting to leave the villa and after that she'd completely shut Bobby out.

His stomach churned when he remembered her turning away. He didn't truly think Lili was a liar, but maybe she had feelings for Lucas that she wasn't ready to admit. He rubbed his head and groaned. It was time for a brew.

He bumped into Lottie on his way to the kitchen and she was moping about, looking like his little sister when she'd lost her Barbie doll in the sandpit. He couldn't stand the fog of sadness she was spreading throughout the villa.

So, he baked.

First, a batch of cupcakes and then while they were cooling, a batch of oatmeal butterscotch chocolate chip cookies. And while those were cooling, a batch of homemade croissants drizzled with honey butter.

Baked goods didn't solve problems, but they did make things feel better for a little while.

He hid the cookies, piled the croissants prettily on a tray, then set it in the middle of the table. After, he turned his attention back to the cupcakes and decorated them with rainbow waves and little fondant dolphins. It didn't take long for word to spread and soon the entire villa had descended like locusts on the platter, leaving nothing but a pool of honey butter and a few flaky bits of pastry behind.

But no Lili.

He sat the platter in the sink, and walked out of the kitchen, pretending that he was there to stretch and not to search for his missing partner. Hope and Noah were playing with a beach ball in the pool. Priya and Marisol were on the daybeds. Rahim, Gary, and the Horse's Ass were all working out at the gym. Lottie was curled up in a sun lounger, one hand on her forehead, looking tragic.

"Hey!" Hope waved toward the villa and Bobby followed the direction of her gaze. His chest tightened as Lili gracefully sauntered to the yard and waved back.

What was she wearing? Instead of one of her sexy bathing suits, she had on jean shorts and a black t-shirt that was snug across her chest. He squinted his eyes to read it. 'Real men eat cupcakes.'

All of his apprehension was knocked aside. He'd seen her in tiny bikinis that made his pulse go mad, but for some reason, the sight of her in his shirt did even more for him. Maybe he'd been overthinking everything with her and Lucas. When a woman wore your clothes, she wanted to be yours.

Hope gestured for Lili to join her at the pool but she shook her head and kept walking, heading toward the kitchen. Bobby skipped backward, nearly tripping over his own feet and attempted to look busy with the finished cupcakes.

She stopped when she saw him. "Oh, hey," she said, tentatively.

"Hey." He nudged the cupcakes that were already perfectly ordered on a plastic tray. "Are you alright? I was starting to worry about you."

She cast her eyes down, looking guilty. "Yeah, I'm sorry, babe. Got a text and I had to go to the beach hut for a confessional. And after, I just...needed some time to myself."

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