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i knew just when i saw you, yeah i saw it your eyes

nothing else matters it's just you and me tonight

and it's okay, it's okay, it's okay we can make this last

i know we just met and we're moving kinda fast

- Crazy, from Four's third album, Changes

"Are you okay?" Darya says, running over to me. "God, you've probably burnt yourself! Come on." She helps me pull my sopping-wet t-shirt up over my head.

I'm still staring in shock at my phone, which is laying innocently on the floor where I dropped it. That had to be some sort of exhaustion-induced hallucination, right? There's no way Holland just dm'd me on Instagram. (There's no way he just apologized for like, the 14th time. He needs to stop doing that or I'm going to start feeling bad.)

"I'm okay," I mumble, using my t-shirt to dab at my red skin. "I'm just - gonna go get changed."

"You do that," Darya says, looking at me worriedly. "I'll just - clean this up."

"I'm sorry," I manage.

"No worries," she says. "Try not to fall down the stairs."

I manage a smile. "I'll do my best."

I grab my phone and practically sprint to my room, slamming the door behind me and sinking down into a crouch. After I feel a little less like having a hysterical breakdown, I get changed into something not tea-soaked, and fall onto my bed.

I click on the message. Yeah, it's definitely from him. Which is - crazy. Also, how did he find my account?

Curiosity is the only thing that gives me the courage to respond.

Stop apologizing. Its fine. How did u find my account??

I wait a few breathless moments before realizing that a) I'm a stupid idiot who should definitely use fewer question marks and b) Four's definitely starting their concert right about now.

Which means that he (probably) dm'd me right before going on stage.

I throw my phone down on the bed and lay there with my hands covering my face for a few moments.

The movement makes me realize that my skin is actually sticky from the tea, which means one thing: a shower, before I go completely crazy. Because of course I had to spill an entire cup of tea over myself after just having had a shower. At least it's not in my hair. One of the perks of it being short like it is. It's sort of a messy cut, around ear length, with bangs. It's not really a pixie because it's all sort of the same length. Speaking of which, it definitely needs a trim - it's falling in my eyes right now.

I take the quickest shower ever, with the water as cool as I can stand so as to not irritate my skin further, then get into pajamas and fall back into bed. It's not that late, but I'm exhausted, and I've got another full day of school tomorrow. It's not like more sleep is going to hurt.

Despite the adrenaline of the day, and the buzz of the message I sent Holland, I fall asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, I'm woken by the buzz of my phone. It's not my alarm, and as I crack an eye open, I see it's 7:10 - 20 minutes before my alarm is set to go off.

"Mmm," I groan, throwing an arm over my eyes and regretting everything ever in the world that led me to this moment.

After a moment, the faint light filtering in through the window starts to seem a lot less offensive, and I'm able to keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds without wanting to die. I'm not hungover or anything, I'm just - slow at waking up unless I like, need to be. It's why I always wake up like an hour before I need to go somewhere. Even if it doesn't take me that long to get ready, I need some time and a cup of tea to start functioning properly.

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