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I know this isn't what she expected 

I know we're travelling down a different road 

And babe, we're not where we started

But I know with her I'll always find my way home 

-  Midnight Girl, from FOUR's first album, Nights Like These 

I think I must look like some sort of a stunned fish right now. I'm flustered, mouth gaping up at him, his words playing through my head.

I think we should tell everyone.

"What?" I manage, sure I must have misheard him, or maybe misunderstood.

"I think we should go public," he says. "I know I was so - scared of everything, before. I know I said we should keep this secret. But we shouldn't have to. And I don't want to. And besides, something bad happened when we were keeping it a secret. It sort of made me realize - we can't just wait around for the perfect moment."

"I -" I honestly don't know what to say.

"Cass. Everything horrible that I thought would happen - it doesn't matter. Because I'm in this. Good times and bad - you're the person I want to go through everything with. You're the one I want to weather all the storms for. It's you."

I can't help but smile, huge and uncontrollable, feelings welling up inside of me. I feel - so indescribably happy.

Because - this is what I wanted, isn't it? That future that I thought we could never have. Holland wants it just like I do. At least he wants to try, which is all I want.

I was never really bothered by us being secret, because it all felt so new, because I was happy with everything being between us. But now - I kind of want to shout from the rooftops that he's mine. I want to be able to take pictures with him and not worry about who might see. I want to be that ridiculously cute couple who make everyone else want to throw up.

I want all of it.

"Let's do it," I say, smiling up at him. "Yes."

"Yes?" He says, his face breaking into an expression of pure joy. "You're saying yes?"

"Yes," I say, laughing and crying a little at the same time. Not caring about the fact that we are on a staircase and could fall at any moment, Holland wraps me in a tight hug, nearly lifting me off my feet.

"I love you," he whispers into my ear. "So much."

"I love you," I say, cupping his face with one hand when he pulls back.

An unimpressed voice from the bottom of the stairs interrupts our moment, again.

"What is she saying yes too?" It's Darya, with Maggie and Anya behind her, both of whom look like they're going to faint at any second.

Me and Holland both meet each other's gaze, processing Darya's question. It's at that moment that I realize what this situation must look like - me joyously saying yes to something Holland has just asked me.

We both realize at the same time, bursting out into laughter.

"Oh, god," I say, giggling, leaning on Holland's shoulder. "No, it's not - "

"It's really not what it looks like," Holland continues, when I can't get the words out. "I've just asked Cass if we could tell everyone. Properly," he says, and he looks so fond and proud that I can't help but kiss him quickly.

"It's almost better than a marriage proposal, honestly," I say.

Darya just shakes her head at the two of us. "We'll leave you two lovebirds to it, then," she says, grabbing Maggie and Anya's hands and pulling them to the living room.

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