# 5

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I aggressively wake up by a loud thump sound. I sit up rubbing my eyes, realizing Naya was laying on my feet.

She's sleeping, but I need to get up.

I very carefully scooted her off my feet, then gently getting off the bed. I stretch, then walked out to the kitchen.

"Hey dad what time is it?" I ask, yawning.
"Around 11 pm." He answers, turning to him.

I immediately turned red.
Why in the world is Sal and Henry here?

"Oh uh hi." I mumble, waving my hand slightly. Which Sal responded with the same. I then slow walk back into my  room.

Once I  gently closed you door, internally screaming
Then I very quickly got dressed and brushed my hair.

I aggressively applied my  makeup, trying to go a fast as I could. As I finished up, I looked in the mirror, making sure I looked okay.

I then swung my door open, walking out back into the living room.
I decide to seat down next to Sal.  "Good morning, if it's still even morning." I say, giving him another awkward wave.

"Good morning to you too." He responds, smiling.
"Do you want something to drink?" I ask, about to get up.

"Oh yeah sure." He answers.
"Okay, you can just come with me if you want." I suggest.
He nods, standing up with me. We both head to the kitchen, as I open the fridge.

"We have juice, soda, and water." I explain.
"Oo! Can I have juice?" He asks.
"Of course, Orange or Apple juice?" I ask.

"Apple." He answers simply. "Smart man." I say, pointing a finger at him and smiling.
"It's just better." He states shrugging, smiling back.
I giggle at his response, pouring him and myself apple juice.

I hand him his glass, as I take a sip of mine. We both just stand there drinking our juices.
When did it get so awkward?

I look in the corner of my eye at Sal, he was looking at me. Which made you tense up.
Why is he staring? Do I look funny??

"Hey, uh want to go my room?" I ask, quickly turning to him.
He quickly stopped staring, "Huh, oh yeah sure." He answers.

I led him to my room, as the both of us walk though, then hearing.
"Keep that door open." From my dad.
I stop in my tracks, red in the face once more. I look at Sal who had wide eyes, wondering what my dad was implying.

"Well, okay." I say. Lightly sit on my bed. Not wanting to disturb Naya. Sal seemed to notice the very sleepy cat on my bed.
"Oh she looks so cute." He fangirls. I giggle at his reaction, "You can pet her, just be gentle so she doesn't wake up." I suggest.

Sal gently lets her, baring grazing her fur. I admired his gentleness as he pet her. Once I realized I was staring I quickly adjusted myself.
"So what you wanna do?" I ask, trying to distract myself.
"What can we do?" He asks.

I thought about what to do, then a great idea came to mind.
"I could do your hair!" I suggest excitedly, leaning towards him.
I could see him think about it before answering with.

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