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• { what the hell? } •

• { what the hell? } •

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Y/N sat Behind Yuka crisscrossed watching as Yuka was chatting with some of her friends. Yuka would say their Y/N's friends too but Y/N begs to differ They only hang out around Y/N  because Yuka is there. They almost never talk to Y/N unless Yuka is there. Some would call her a loner since her only known friend was Yuka, But Y/N didn't seem to mind. Or that's what others thought

Y/N and Yuka have been friends since Kindergarten. Y/N was actually the one to approach Yuka and ask to be friends, Y/N was a very out going kid Throughout their elementary stay, They had good many friends. But as she were going into junior high things started to change, Y/N started to loose friends and didn't bother to try to get them back, they didn't see a point in doing so.

Shes now 15, other would describe them as to be quiet, but when she does talk people say She's rude and sarcastic. But really she's just like that to them because she don't  like them.

As Yuka Had turned around to talk to Y/N as her friends had just left, But As soon as Yuka Opened her mouth the bell rang signaling they needed to head to classes.

"Aww." Yuka whined standing up and stretching, turning to Y/N to say goodbye. After They Bid their goodbyes and parted ways, Yuka waved goodbye to Y/N as She waved back since they had classes on the opposite ends of the school.

As Y/N was Walking back to their class They thought about what they were gonna do after school. Whatever it is their hoping maybe even praying Yuka doesn't invite them to hang out with her and some of her friends again, it's always very awkward. Once they got to Their classroom They sat down at their desk which just so happened to be near the windows. soon the teacher had started her lesson but Y/N wasn't paying attention as Usual. They were watching the birds outside the window like usual.

Eventually the bell had rang about an hour later signaling school was over as that was their last class of the day. Hurriedly packing their bag. They sped out of the classroom and out of school. As much As They love Yuka They didn't want to deal with her Over Energetic Ass today. I mean it's not like Y/N usually doesn't match Their best friends Energy They do Most of the time, they were just tired and wanted to go home.

On their way home they were passing through Shibuya Crossing they heard cheering and looked up to see three grown.. Men.? one on top of the others shoulders.  'Idiots.' They thought passing them.

To Y/N's luck They lived fairly close in a apartment close to their school, it was just them and their mom in the apartment,their dad had died when they were about 10 due to a work place accident. Their mom works a lot to be able to provide a home and food for the two. Somehow tho Their mom is always home before them and is their greeting Her Child with a hug, Y/N was lucky to have her.

Walking up the steps of Their apartment complex they watched as fireworks set off near Shibuya Crossing which was a bit odd but they thought nothing of it. That was until they opened Their front door and it was dark other than natural light that seeped in through the windows.

"Mama?" Y/N Called out for their mother noticing she wasn't home. 'Maybe she went out to get groceries.' Turning to turn on the lights they realized they weren't turning on. Flicking the light switch on and off a few times They exited Their home to see if the complex's power was out, It wasn't a rare occurrence. They looked out to where the main city is only to be met with a blackout. At this point they were very confused. Taking their phone out their pocket to see if there was anything On the news they were met with their phone not powering on what so ever.  'What the hell?!' At this point they were oh so very very confused.

'What the hell is going on.'



A/N: hi my lovelies, I decide to rewrite this. But do be aware my update Shecdule is going to be very wacky. Also sorry for not updating since February. Writers block + No Motivation. Lol. But please do comment, I want to hear y'all's opinion's on the revamped chapter, Do you like or do you not like? I might start adding questions at the end on each chapter, Would y'all like that?. Anyhoo have a good day/night love you bunches

Mwah mwah mwah💋

Words: 808
Date: April 29 2023

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