"Is it Natural?"
"Your hair. Is it natural"
- L/N Y/N Is a high school student just living her usual copy n paste Life Until everyone around her disappears and She's Put In a Mysterious world where she can't trust anyone if she wants to li...
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She decided to go back inside and pack a small bag, the bag consisted of some food, water, two outfits and a pocket knife.
She didn't know what was going on so just to be safe they packed a bag.
Walking out the door she glanced at her skates Pondering if she should bring them before grabbing them and exiting the house.
She went down to Shibuya Crossing as it wasn't a far walk. She lived fairly close anyways. Reaching the middle of the shibuya she was undoubtedly shocked. Cars were parked unmoving like time had just stopped. No one was around. And she meant no one. She had no idea what was going on.
She decided to check a few surrounding shops and came up with nothing. She skated around for a bit trying to find any human life before it got dark.
She ended up going back to Shibuya crossing.
"What do you think happened? An event, a flash mob?' She heard as she rounded the corner. She stopped kind of just spying as she watched the random people in front of her.
"The scale is too huge for that." One said. She nodded her head slightly as she agreed with them. Before tuning them out.
She walked out of her spot she was spying on them in and started looking around not really caring if they saw her.
She was blinded by a bright light before looking right at it.
"What the hell.." she muttered to herself as she stared at the big screen glancing at the three guys infront of it.
'Welcome Players! 'The Games will commence in a moment.
'Game?' She thought to herself as she looked at her surroundings trying to find said game.
The screen changed as she looked back at it.
This way to the game arena. <— —>
She looked at the ways it was pointing noticing lights from both ways.
She waited to see which way the guys went before walking the opposite way. Not wanting to follow them. She didn't know what these games are so just in case she went the opposite way of them. ____________________________________
walking up she saw a couple more people. There were four People already there. Two girls and two guys. The two girls were shaking pretty bad, there was an older lady and one was slightly younger but definitely older than Y/n.
Looking to the guys they seemed around the same age. But one of them was wearing a bathing suit? Weird. The other one was a man in a suit.
Looking down she found a table with one more phone one it.
Please take one.
A/N: Yall I'm so sorry for the like 9 month apart updates 😭🙏 I'm just very inconsistent and I started back to school this year after being homeschool for middle school. Anyways please vote or comment. Have a good day or night. Love you bunches
Mwah mwah mwah💋
Words: 500 Date: January 30th 2023 Edited: ☑️ Readover: ☑️