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Marco polo.


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Picking up a phone she brings it up to her face to inspect it only for it to scan her face, she stared at the phone confused for a few minutes before glancing around.

Eventually it got done detecting her and analyzes her information it lights up with a ding.

Please wait until the game commences.
There are currently 5 players.
3 minutes & 27 seconds until
registration closes.

Registration? What on earth is going on why is there a registration?

She messed with the phone trying to open apps but nothing worked, she didn't have any cell service.

One odd thing she did find was an app that read 'o visa days' when she opened it which only made her even more confused.

Looking up from her phone she took in their surroundings, this seemed like an indoor water park?

What on earth could this have to do with games? Are they going to be playing Marco Polo?

Suddenly her phone chimed.

Registration is now closed.
The game will now commence.
Marco Polo. 
Difficulty 5 of hearts.
One player will be Marco, this player will receive a gun,
Marco will be blindfolded.
When Marco calls out 'Marco' Players Must reply With 'Polo'
How to win: survive or kill Marco.
Time limit.
30 minutes.

What are the odds of that, She guessed it, Right on.

'I'm literally a genius.' She thought to herself as she looked around at the people.

Marco will now be chosen.

She looked down at her phone seeing her phone say 'polo' on it. She wasn't Marco.

She looked at everyone else trying to find who Marco was

she found Marco instantly. I mean it wasn't hard.

there facial expression gave them away. It was the older woman. She had a smug smile on her face.

Eventually they were told the game was to start as Marco was given a blindfold and gun.

They have 5 minutes to find a place to hide.

Running around y/n struggled to find a spot.

Eventually she came to a stop at one of the slide. She could easily climb up it.

Once she was a good halfway up it she was set.

Eventually the 5 minutes were up and the game had started.


She heard be called.

"Polo!" She called back as everyone else did. Only difference was her echoed.


30 minutes later , she was the only one left.

As she slide down the slide she was met with bloody body's, all shot.

She stood there completely still as she took in the reality of this all.

That was until her phone chimed.

Game cleared.
Congratulations to survivors we will now supply you with a 5 Day visa.

She took out her phone and stared at the screen for a few minutes before taking a deep breath as she made her way to the front.

Once she got to the front she noticed a card on the table where the phones were.

Slowly and cautiously she took the card, inspecting it before she stuck it in her book-bag.

Once she got outside she looked around trying to make sense of it all.

'Maybe this is just some sick tv show. They were all actors?' She thought as she noticed someone running up to her.

"Help me! Please I can't die like this!" A man sobbed as the man went to grab her a laser shot straight through his skull.

That's when she finally realized this world was all about life and death.

And death won't be an option for her.


A/N: Hii lovelies sooo I got my computer taken so I'm not going to be able to make any chapters up to the actual beach situation because I don't remember what happens after/during that. But for now I'm just kind of going off my memory for now. Anyhoo have a Good day / good night Love you all bunches

Mwah mwah mwah 💋

Words: 670
Date: January 30th 2023
Edited: ☑️
Read over: 〤

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