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No one pov
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"Honey! Downstairs now!" An older woman's voice yelled.

The girl ran downstairs to be met with her mother.

"Please don't be late for school honey," Her mother said in a soothing calming voice.

The girl just nodded and ran back up to her room to collect her stuff.

She grabbed her laptop as well as some earphones. Her school supplies and a jacket to wear.

"I'm heading out now!" She said in a cheerful voice to her mother who was wiping the kitchen bench.

"I'll pick you up from school later!" Her mother yelled back as the door shut.

- - - (Korean name will be used for most part unless it is wrote Hannah or the Chinese way and will be wrote in bold if it is the English/Chinese way)

Walking to school in a busy city. She took in the smells of cars but also shops that surrounded the busy streets.

Being the busy person she was in her room, she didn't get the chance to go outside bedside heading to school. Which she usually took by car.

It was refreshing to get outside a bit more often since she would sit hours at home in her music and dance studio. She was gifted this room when they moved into the house a few months ago since her parents knew her love for music and dance.

Arriving at the school she walked into the grounds of it only for her friend to run up to her.

"Hana!" Her friend called out to her. She looked over at her friend and waved in return.

"Did you do the homework?" Her friend asked walking next to her.

"There was homework?!" Hana said now stressing. "You never told me Amy!" She said holding her bag straps tighter.

"I messaged you last night!" Amy said grabbing out her phone and showing Hana.

"Well obviously I didn't get it!" The Chinese said pushing her friend's phone out of her face.

As they walked into class Hana slumped down in her seat sighing. The teacher walked in and started collecting homework.

When the teacher arrived at Hana she sighed.

"Homework," The teacher said sticking her hand out.

"I didn't get the homework Mrs Smith," Hana replied now looking at her desk with her arms crossed.

"Hannah, Did you even do the homework? All students got it," The teacher sighed once again.

Hana just shook her head. The teacher just moved on to the other students.

The lesson started a bit later. It was boring English so Hana didn't pay much attention but just wrote song lyrics.

She would write lyrics in: English, Korean and sometimes Japanese and Chinese. She would always show them to Amy too.

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With the school day being over, she waved goodbye to her friend and got in the car.

The drive back Hana and her mother were just talking about some random things and bringing up her music sometimes.

"Lǐhénà. You might want to apply as like a trainee in a company or a producer in one. You would be excellent!" Her mother spoke in Chinese.

She thought about it for a bit and when she got home she rushed up to the studio.

She sent in recorded her new song she created for herself as well as sending songs out to others.

Despite her age only being 19 she managed to be a pretty successful young adult. Starting her newly found career when she was only 14.

She sent her auditions. One of her dancing to two of her own songs and one of her singing to two of her own songs.

She made sure when introducing herself to add that the music and dances were all her own.

"Lǐhénà, What company did you sent it to?" Her mother asked as she came downstairs.

"JYP Ma. I've heard they have some pretty good artists. I have made a few songs for a few groups there too," She said grabbing her food that was on the table.

"Do you know when you are getting results?" Her mother asked.

"Uh yes. Hopefully in the next week or two. And then we have to go to Korea for it," Hana replied with a bit of a sigh.

She walked over to the lounge room and sat down on the couch.

"Honey. It's ok. You know how much you've wanted to go to Korea. Now it's your chance!" Her mother said coming to comfort her.

Hana smiled and gave her mum a light hug.

"I know but what about school?" She said letting go of the hug.

"Don't worry about school honey. It's almost time for break anyways. If you get in we can move to Korea," Her mother said.

Hana smiled again before getting up.

"I need to go produce music real quick. I'm working with a group right now that I need to help," She said walking out of the lounge room. "I'm really just checking their work and lyrics honestly!" She yelled form up the stairs.

Her mother gave a light chuckle and left to the kitchen.

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Stray Kids pov
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"Chan! I think we have worked out the lyrics!" A voice yelled. The called man came over and looked at it.

"I have the track ready. I also found someone we can send these too and get them to check it," Chan said. The other two there just nodded and walked over to his computer.

Chan sent the lyrics and the music to the person who was going to check it.

"Now we wait," One of the other two sighed and just sat on the couch.

"Oh Han! Did you hear about the artist? She's apparently really good and has worked with many people before. Without showing what she looks like!" Chan said to one of the boys behind him.

Han just nodded still looking at his phone.

"Her work is really good. Is she the one you found?" Han asked Chan who also just nodded.

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Hana pov
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I had just recieved the email from the group I was working with. I had heard of them before and heard that they were pretty successful. Creating their own music and what so ever.

Their leader had sent an email to me earlier in the week asking if I could. And of course I had to say yes.

Now I couldn't lie but what they had sent me was really good for creating their own tracks and lyrics.

The lyrics could use some tweaking here and there but it wasn't all so bad.

I had decided to sing to the song with the lyrics they wrote. Including adding rap where it fit perfectly.

I added it on top of the track and put it where it sounded good. I did make sure to create two of the same track. The clean version without my singing and then the one with my singing.

I had decided to also create choreo to it since I was bored and sent that too. As well as wearing a mask and hat.

Though my identity would be revealed if I got in. I just didn't want it to be yet.

I sent everything back including the two tracks. Fixed up lyrics and the choreo I made for it just to give them ideas.

I sat anxiously waiting for it to send. I was mostly stressing over would it sound good to their voices, would they choreo fit their style. Would they even choose to use my fixed version?

So many things were running through my head.

I walked into my room which happened to be right next to the studio. I got some clean clothes and went to shower since I was sweating from dancing.

The shower was quick and I put on the silk pyjamas my mum had bought me last year for my 18th birthday.

I fell onto the bed and just fell asleep almost instantly.

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