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No one pov
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They had landed in South Korea after hours of flight time.

Her mother had rented out a car.

They drove to where they would be staying. It was just like their home back in Victoria.

"Ma! Can we get a cat now?" Hana asked her mother. Her mother just sighed and they drove to an adoption place.

The ride was now shared with ideas of what to name the cat and what to get it like food and toys. As well as what they were going to do in Seoul.

Arriving at the adoption centre Hana rushed inside. She had seen a cat she wanted when browsing websites when she arrived.

"I want this one!" She said pointing at a ginger cat.

Her mother just nodded and they asked to adopt it.

"What would you like to name it?" The worker asked in Korean.

"Dingo please," Hana replied in Korean.

"She is a two month old cat. So she will require a lot of love," The worker said now handing the cat to Hana who just nodded.

They payed for all the stuff they would need and went home.

Arriving at home Hana let the cat inside into her room. She put the cat on her bed and it fell asleep almost instantly.

She laughed lightly before also falling asleep from the tiring long flight.

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Saturday / no one pov
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It was the second audition day now.

Hana had entered the JYP building and went to the room that was said by the receptionist.

Walking into the room she bowed at the people whom would be judging her.

"Hello! My name is Lǐhénà. But my Korean name is Hana. I am half Chinese and Half Australian. I will be singing two songs I wrote myself and performing the dances I made myself as well," She introduced herself. The judges clapped as she started.

Her singing was on point as well as the rap parts she added. Her dancing was next and she aced that too.

The judges gave a standing ovation.

"Please let us know more about you," one of the judges said.

"I can speak fluent English, Chinese, French, Spanish and Korean. I am also almost Fluent in Japanese. I produce my own work and have created and wrote many pieces of work for other artists and groups from around the world," the judges looked in awe as she spoke about herself.

She was honestly shy of this explaining what she does.

"And how old are you?" One of them asked.

"I'm 20. I started my music making journey when I was 14," She said.

The interview section went on for a bit longer before the judges started talking.

The owner himself was watching as well and told Hana she was in.

She thanked both the judges and the owner himself before signing the contract.

She had to start training right away. She quickly called her mum to tell her the news.

Her mother was quite happy about it and congratulated her daughter before she had to go.

"Hana could you show us your dancing again? you can start if you wish dancing or singing," a worker said.

Hana chose to dance since she had a song she wanted to do it do.

Idols can't love. Can they? / SKZ 9th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now