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"Chan?" Hana asked walking into the studio. It was roughly 5am. After she had fallen asleep, she only slept for about 3 hours before waking up.
Since she couldn't get back to sleep she decided to come to the studio.

"Yes Hana?" He replied with somewhat of a groan.

"Is everything alright? You seem upset at something, oppa," Hana said walking to the couch behind him and placing herself and her stuff on it.

"I'm just stressed about work. None of us are getting breaks and the others are finding it hard to do stuff. They all seem really tired," Chan said as he flicked through different files on the computer.

"I'm sure you guys can get one soon. I know Felix wants to see our mother, I'm sure we can get one," Hana said trying to reassure him.

"You're a lot like my younger sister," Chan said with a bit of a laugh.

"Is that a good thing?" Hana said replying with a laugh.

Chan nodded in return.

"I know you want a break Chan but you just have to wait. It will come when the time is right," Hana continued on.

She pulled out her laptop and started looking over tracks she needed to do.

"Chan. Do you know who BTS is?" Hana asked. She hadn't ever heard about this group before. Which could come of as a shock.

"You don't know who BTS is?" Chan asked actually shocked.

"Mhm," she replied.

"My child. How do you not know who they are? They are one of the biggest groups to ever exist!" Chan exclaimed.

Hana stifled a laugh.

"Their manager wants me to help them with a song and collab with some to them," She said, looking over the email once again.

"Do it! This could be great for you!" Chan said looking at Hana.

"They also want me to create a new song for them," She said. She pulled up her music tracks she had made and thought about it.

"Do you have any in mind you want to give them?" Chan asked, coming over to sit with Hana.

"I have a lot but I don't know if it will fit their styles," Hana said.

She played a few tracks before Chan had chosen one.

"The second track fits their style of music. I think they are going to like it," Chan said. "Send them an email with the track so they can see how it sounds."

"Thanks Chan!" Hana said as she started writing the email.

"Oh one thing! You know Jeongin's birthday is soon, right?" Chan asked.

Hana just nodded as she continued to type the email.

"Got any ideas for what we can do?" Chan asked.

Hana had finished typing the email out.

"Uh... I'm not sure. You've been with him longer than I have," Hana said, closing her laptop and pulling a book out of her bag with lyrics and another sheet of paper with writing on it as well.

"I just don't know what he wants, it's in a few days and we've all been stressed with work and haven't had time to think about this," Chan said holding his head with his hands, resting against the desk.

"Anything in particular you know he likes?" Hana said. She started writing down some lyrics for different projects she had been working on.

"I have none," Chan said groaning.

"I'm sure you can think of something," Hana said. Just then she got a call from Minho. "I have to go, I'll see you soon!" She said packing her things up quickly and answering the call leaving the room.

She got everything but one thing. The sheet of paper from the lyrics book.

Chan picked up the paper and sighed before going back to work.

"Yes?" Hana asked when accepting the call.

"Where are you?" Minho asked. You could hear shuffling on Hana's end as she was looking for stuff in the bag she had brought.

"I'm at the studio. Why?" She asked. The shuffling soon stopped.

"I'm guessing Chan told you about Jeongin's birthday?" Minho asked.

"Yea. I'm not sure what to get him yet. I'm stressed about everything right now," Hana said. She ruffled her hair around as she walked into a practice room.

"Im not sure either. None of us are because we can't ever get time off to actually find him something," Minho said.

They continued talking about Jeongin's birthday longer before Hana brought something up.

"My birthdays soon," She said as she stared brushing her hair with her fingers. She had put Minho on speaker awhile ago.

"Wait really? When?" He asked. No one knew about when her birthday was since it was never mentioned.

"Valentine's Day. Im turning 20," She said.

"Now I need to think of something to get you!" He laughed making her laugh.

Hana loved Minho's laugh. When ever he laughed she just couldn't help but laugh too. It was like he had a contagious laugh. Same with his smile. If he smiled, so did she.

"I really don't need anything Minho. It's alright," She said with a laugh. She grabbed her bag and started searching for something.

"Great," she groaned as she threw her bag onto the floor.

"What happened?" Minho asked hearing the bag being thrown.

"I lost an important piece of paper," She said with a sigh.

One again they continued talking longer until Felix walked in. The time was more of around 9am so it was normal.

"I'll talk with you later, love you!" She said before hanging up the call.

She had never said I love you or anything like that to Minho before. When he heard it he was quite shocked and flustered.

"Felix! Need anything?" Hana said smiling as she stood up.

"Uh yea. I need help with a dance," Felix said walking towards her.

He completely ignored when she said "love you" and she was thankful.

"What song?" She said as she moved her stuff away from the centre of the room.

"Really all of our new songs. I was alright at the concert but I want to get better," Felix said shyly.

"It's alright, come here I'll help you!" Hana said walking back to Felix.

She showed him the steps of the dance so he understood them better.

- - -

It had been awhile since she stared dancing with Felix and she decided to ask him something.

"How would you like to see our mother? I'll ask for a break, I'm sure we could get one!" Hana said. She really wanted Felix to meet their mother.

"Uh sure. We are free tonight so we should be able to go. I'm sure Chan won't mind," Felix said smiling a bit.

He thought this could be the perfect opportunity to meet his mother for the first time in over 10 years.

"Also isn't it your birthday soon?" Felix asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?" Hana asked. She hadn't told anyone besides Minho.

"I remember father told me something about it when we were younger. After you left he kept begging for you guys back. Every time it was Valentine's Day he would send a present labeled to you. He would always tell us it was your birthday," Felix said.

"Oh. He did that? I never got anything from him," Hana said now looking at the floor.

"Anyways! I'll see you tonight!" Felix said rushing out of the room. Leaving Hana there alone to stare at the floor with deep almost dark thoughts.

Idols can't love. Can they? / SKZ 9th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now