2. Woahhhh

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 Suddenly a clanging sound echoed in the now almost empty house. There was something ing glittering at the end of the hallway. Scarlet stood up and walked towards it. It looked like many shards of glass stuck together  yet was smooth like butter. It also looked like the entrance to the mirror dimension, but that was different in a whole different way. She ran back to her room, put on her black leather coat and boots grabbed he mobile and walked back towards the portal. She first put her right thand through. It felt like water and tingles ran down her spine. Finding no other way to pass her time, she took a deep breath and walked inside the portal.


Scarlet squinted her eyes as she stepped into the bright light. Her eyes adjusted to her surroundings as she looked around. It was a little structure on the edge of a lake. It looked eerily familiar to her. She walked out and looked around. Scarlet was mesmerised and she skipped along the lake. She looked at the lake a and inhaled deeply. She had never been in such a peaceful environment before. She took out her phone and clicked a few pictures.

Suddenly she heard the sound of metal hitting the ground.

"Drop your weapon and turn around." Again, something familiar. Scarlet asked while turning around,

"You mean this?"

Seeing the sight in front of her, her mouth hung open. Iron Man now stood in front of her.

"You should close that mouth of yours or a fly might enter"

Snapping out of her reverie she closed he mouth, but then she replied,

"You call this a weapon?" she asked. "I can't do a damn thing to protect myself with it. I can only throw it at someone's head to knock them out"

Now it was his turn to look away embarrassedly. Suddenly, realisation hit Scarlet like a truck. You are not supposed to be real. Is this a prank? I mean it's very good with the suit and voice and all. But sorry to disappoint you bro, I saw right through it." She said while patting the suit on the shoulder. 

"What? You think this is a joke?" The suit opened up and a man looking like Tony Stark came out. He looked a lot like him. A bit too much. Scarlet stared and then screamed.

"Oh my fricking god, holy shit, RDJ!!!!"

"What the fuck is RDJ? You mean our DJ? But I don't even have a DJ."

"Ha ha ... I see what you're trying to do there. How can you not remember your own name Mr. Robert Downey Jr.?" She laughed nervously.

"That's it I'm detaining you right now. And for your information I am Tony Stark not Roberto."

"You don't expect me to believe that do you?"

"I do." He tapped his wristwatch and said,

"Friday, scan this person."

"Sir, this person does not appear to be from around her. I can't find anything on her."

"Have you scanned Hydra?"

"Yes sir. She is not one of the experiments nor is she in league with them".

Scarlet was Jungshook (yes i just did that) .


"Yes miss?"

"Can you tell me what happened in 2012?"

"Attack on Earth by Loki Laufeyson A.K.A The God of Lies and Mischief"

"Hell no dude. This is not real. I must have hit my head or I'm dreaming."

"You want to pinch your arm?" Tony offered.

"Oh shut up let me think." Scarlet snapped as she ran a hand through her hair.

Could it be because of her wish? She had always believed in the concept of the multiverse.

"Fine, so here's what we'll do. I need to meet the rest of the Avengers especially the old man with plan. I think I know what happened and then we'll find a way to take me back. How's that?"

"Ummm no. I'm not going to take you to the compound?"

"Why are you so old that you can't even walk?"

"Hey! Look who you're talking to."

"I am. So are you coming or not?"

"Woah little girl slow down. We are not going anywhere." Scarlet just turned around and sauntered away.

"The audacity..." Tony muttered while shaking his head and followed her.

"Hey! How do you know the way?"

"I've watched everything you do." She quipped back.

"Are you like a stalker or a something?"

"I guess you could say that."

Tony gaped. "You should close you're mouth, a fly might get it."

Tony scoffed in disbelief and stumbled behind her.

"I'll explain don't look at me like that."

She walked a little more and finally stood in front the compound. Tony halted next to her.

"Amazing isn't it?"

"Yeah. It's bigger than I thought." Something nagged at the back of her mind but she pushed it away finding more pressing matters at hand. She entered and entered the lift.

"You coming? Or do I need to have Friday have you hauled all the way over here? Also Friday can you call everyone to the meeting room? Tell them it's an emergency."

"Sure miss."

Tony walked inside and stared.

Scarlet muttered under her breath, "Now what was it 13 or 15...?"

"How in fuck's name did you know that? Are you a witch or something?"

"Guess we'll find out."

"Miss, everyone has been informed."

"Thanks Fri." 

"Anytime Miss."

Scarlet thanked Friday and marched out just as the elevator dinged.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I think it should be pretty clear by now." She smirked.

"By the way Friday, why are you listening to her?"

"Sir, I believe we need to hear her out and she has presence even you can't deny that."

He looked stumped and walked alongside her into the meeting room.

Scarlet stopped and gasped when she crossed the threshold. She saw everybody. And by everybody, I mean everybody.

Oh my god this is happening. This is real. No I'm just dreaming. No no no.... please make it stop. She collapsed and started hyperventilating.


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