3. Is That Really You?!

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"Oh my god this is happening. This is real. No I'm just dreaming. No no no.... please make it stop." She collapsed and started hyperventilating.

Everybody rushed to her side. Tony caught her before her head hit the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey come on breathe. Look at me."

She looked at him hazily with tears in her eyes.

"Breathe with me. In and out. In and out." He mentally cursed himself for not asking her name."

Scarlet finally calmed down and she regained consciousness of her surroundings. She leapt up and started apologising profusely.

"I am so so so sorry for making you stand and watch all this. I am so sorry you were probably busy doing some important. I shouldn't have called you at all... "

Natasha interrupted her and asked. "What do you mean YOU called us. Who are you?"

Everybody glared at her. Feeling those familiar yet unwelcome feelings of being unwanted again tears welled up but she fought them. She cleared her throat and motions awkwardly with her hand.

"If y'all sit down, I'll explain everything and by that I mean what I know."

They sat down still glaring at her with mistrustful gazes.

"Fine. Let's start. I know all your names" She winked at Clint and both he and Nat frowned. She clasped her hands and stared around the room and started speaking.

"First of all I live in a different universe from yours where you all are, drumroll please" She drummed the table alone.

"Come on guys you are no fun. Fineeeeeee. Where you all are fictional characters. The MCU which means The Marvel Cinematic Universe. It first started in 1939 with comics and the the movies. You all are fictional characters in simple words it means that you don't exist. So this is the part where I come in. I was minding my own business watching all your movies and then I got up to drink some water. Then I noticed a shadow I guess? And then someone or something said: What you didn't see that coming? And then I blacked out. When I woke up I was in bed amd then after my breakfast I resumed the marathon but then I saw something shimmering at the end of the hallway so I grabbed my phone and entered the portal thingy."

She took a deep breath and continued. "When I was inside it, it felt cold. It chilled me to my bones and when I stepped out, I was transported outside beside the lake and then Tony came through and you know what happened."

"Okay. So how are we supposed to believe this?" Hawkeye asked

"I didn't tell you to. And I'm sure you can explain how a girl with only her phone came inside a heavily guarded compound owned by the Avengers out of nowhere Clint."

"And even I don't believe if half the things that happened actually happened..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean to say that I heard someone say a very famous quote but Pietro is dead isn't he? Right? Right guys?" Scarlet asked uncertainly.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about beautiful."


Some time earlier:

Pietro looked out his balcony. Living in the compound had it's advantages. Getting fresh air to breath, getting good food to eat, getting to meet his sister and not being experimented on every single damn day.

"Mr. Flash, you are requested to arrive in the meeting room urgently."

"What is the reason?"

"I'm not sure. Perhaps it is about the intruder that has entered our premises."


He zoomed down the stairs and arrived in a matter of seconds.He walked over and leant against a wall shrouded in darkness. A few moments later, Tony entered along with a girl. Pietro didn't pay attention whatsoever to anyone and didn't even notice her as she walked in. He was pulled away from his thoughts when it seemed like someone was having a panic attack. Something he knew all too well.

Tony ushered her to the chair and that was when he saw her face. It was a girl 18 years old perhaps. Pietro watched as she calmed down and told her story. She was absolutely beautiful he was sure of that. He was jerked away from his thoughts once more when he heard, "Pietro's dead right?" Now that, he wasn't so sure about.

"Are you sure about that beautiful?" He asked.

He leant off the wall and strolled towards her.

"Pietro don't"

He ignored Wanda and held out his hand.

"Pietro Maximoff."

"Scarlet Brookes. A pleasure to meet you."

"It is all mine." He kissed her hand.

Scarlet blushed but she quickly regained her composure and asked.

"I don't meant to come off as rude but you're supposed to be dead."


"Yes. In my universe, in the movies I mean, Ultron kills you when you were saving Clint and that kid."

"Ultron hurt me. But I was taken to Helen Cho's lab and healed. It was not too late."

"Oh right."

"So. Now that we have cleared all of that up, Scarlet you'll be staying with us for a tad bit of time until we figure out what to do with you."

"I'm sorry?" Scarlet asked shcoked

"You're forgiven. Friday? Prepare a guest room for Ms. Red please."

"Right away sir." Friday replied

"But I need to go home or mom she'll..."

"Oh. I'm sure your mom won't mind you staying over at a friend's house."

Scarlet frowned. I don't have friends and my mom doesn't worry. But she kept her thoughts to herself.



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