18. Pop Tarts and Soul Stones

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"Lady Scarlet! I need Pop Tarts!" Thor said.

"Go get them yourself." She flopped down on the couch to continue her kdrama.






"I refuse."

Thor pouted at him.

"Fine. But only because you look like a lost kicked puppy." He grumbled and stabbed him on his way out.

Loki returned a few hours later with a cloth bag in his hand.

"Save the environment?" Scarlet asked.

"Assure my conscience." Loki said

"Oh." She skipped over and found Loki eating ice cream.

민트 초코라트 아이스 크림? (Mint chocolate ice cream?) (A.N:- Reference from Tale on the Nine Tailed. Truly a masterpiece.)

네. (Yes)

"You speak Korean?" They asked at the same time

"Yes." And again

"That's good." And again.

"What other languages do you speak?" And again

"Shut it." And again

"Stop." And again.

"Even twins don't do weird shit like that. What are you? Robots?" Tony asked skeptically.

"I'll pretend to ignore that." Vision said.

"Nobody was speaking to you toaster."

"Whatever tin can."

"The audacity." Tony gasped. "How dare you speak to your father like that? Bruce say something!"

"Shut up you two." Natasha cut in.

"Everybody head to bed now. Tomorrow's a long day."

"Yes Sir!" Bucky saluted him with a teasing smile.

Steve bit his lip and went away to his room.

"Friday where'd Steve go?" Sam asked.

"He's in his bathroom." Friday said.

Wanda wiggled and eyebrows and laughed.

"You don't know what you did, did to me..." Wanda sand

"Your body lightweight speaks to me." Scarlet continued.

"Friday play it in his bathroom please." Natasha requested.

"Right away."

Tony walked away from the giggles and laughs and stood in the balcony.

"Mr. Stark?"

"Yes Peter?"

"Um... I just wanted to ask if you were ok?"

"Yes of course. What's the matter?"

"Uh, it's nothing you just seemed a bit..."

"You don't have to explain kid. Run along now."


"Hey underoos?" Peter turned back.

"I'm proud of you."

Peter blushed.

"Th- Thank you Mr. Stark."

Tony smiled and patted his back on the way to his room.


*In The Morning.*

"So, according to Pietro's information, Thanos is going to attack in a month." Steve began when everybody was settled.

"We have to stop him before he does that which dosent leave us much time. We don't even know if he's planning on attacking earlier if he knows Pietro's been compromised."

"Knowing him, he will probably do that. So we need to do this as soon as possible, but carefully." Gamora said.

"Why don't we just destroy the mind stone in the mean time?" Natasha suggested.

Everybody looked confused but Tony picked up her trail of thought.

"Yes. We can destroy it and replace the stone like S.W.O.R.D did in WandaVision. That way Thanks won't be able to complete his mission or whatever."

"That's brilliant. Shuri and I can figure it out. It's even better if Tony helps." Bruce said.

"Why won't I help my own son?"


Tony, Bruce, Wanda and Vision left for Wakanda.

"We'll be back by sunrise tomorrow. Don't miss me too much." Wanda said.

"You know with Wanda's full potential, she can kill Thanos in a snap." Scarlet said to Steve.

"And that means so can you."

"Oh! I completely forgot about that." She said sheepishly.

Steve chuckled. "Go practise then."

Scarlet found Sersi wandering around.


"Hi." Sersi replied.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just..."

"You don't have to tell me y'know."

"Yeah. I'm just surprised Ikaris would do that."

"We all were."

"Not me." Thena joined them.

"Oh my god!! You are really beautiful and popular in my dimension."

"You mean I'm not beautiful here?"

"No no. I didn't mean that."

"I know. Anyway Sersi, Ajak's asking for us."

"I'll leave you to it then." Scarlet waved and left.


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