❝ There was a feeling of inevitability when I met you. And our lives were fated to converge like some cosmic dance. And I think I had to break your heart and you had to break mine. ❞
As Cressida Black's lungs ceased to draw breath, Aurelia Martell's...
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104 AC
"Yes my darling?" Aemma said smiling down at her daughter, who was looking at her stomach with a mixture of wonderment and anger.
"I don't like the baby."
"Rhaenyra," Aemma scolded gently, she had been expecting this, however she had been expecting her daughter's jealousy to show itself later on in her pregnancy.
Rhaenyra had the good grace to look somewhat ashamed, but the pout on her plump lips told Aemma that she had a battle on her hands.
"Rhaenyra, I know how you're feeling."
"How?" Rhaenyra scoffed. "You're the youngest of your siblings."
"There was a large gap between me and my eldest siblings. I got very jealous when Artys' wife got pregnant. My brother doted on me and I hated the thought of no longer being his favorite. But you know what happened? Jeyne was born and Artys still paid attention to me. He had time for both of us."
"He did?" Rhaenyra repeated, her lavender eyes uncertain.
"He did," Aemma confirmed, taking one of her daughters silver waves into her hand and twirling it around her fingers in what she hoped was a soothing motion. "And so will your father and I. We love you more than anything and nothing is going to change that."
"Not even if the baby's a boy?"
"Not even if the baby is a boy," Aemma confirmed, nodding solemnly. "I would not trade you for a thousand boys, my sweet girl."
"You promise?"
"On my life."
"And Kepa as well?" Rhaenyra added quickly.
"Of course Kepa as well," Aemma replied with a frown, knowing she would need to speak to Viserys. All of his talk about having a son and heir was clearly affecting Rhaenyra. She wished her husband would be happy with the family they had, with their beautiful and brilliant daughter but he wasn't. Her husband loved her, he loved her daughter and he was proud of her but he was consumed by his dream of a son.
Rhaenyra smiled and curled into her mother's warm embrace, but, as Aemma soon noticed the young girl was still sending furious looks at her stomach. "Oh, Rhaenyra what is it?"
"I still don't like him."
"And why not?"
"Because he hurts you, he kicks you and he makes you sick," Rhaenyra said angrily, crossing her arms over her chest as she spoke.
"Oh my darling," Aemma responded, trying not to laugh at her daughter innocence. "I promise you, he is not hurting me."
"On your heart?"
"On my heart."
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"Girl, just go!" Viserra snapped, and Aurelia Martell fled. Damn Aemma for thinking a child belonged in her chambers. Oh, it was fine, usually, but today Aemma started cramping and then, they saw spots of blood in her dress, sending them all into a state of crisis. And Aurelia, for all that she was bright, was still a girl. And she'd frozen the moment she saw the blood. The best thing to do was send her to look for the maester, so she wouldn't get in the way