Chapter 6: Need Lube?

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Ryan Phillippe (My second husband after Jensen Ackles) as Brad Cromwell---->

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here." The voice mused. Brad didn't think twice about jumping up from the opposite bed and rushing out of the door, giving me a fleeting wave.

As soon as he was gone, those eyes landed on me.


Ciara didn't say anything as she folded her arms over her chest and sat on her bed.

"What?" I asked again.

"You know Dean will be pissed." She said as if I didn't already know that. Dean would be pissed. But in order to be pissed, he'd have to know.

"No!" She pointed at me accusingly. "Don't even think about it!"

We stared at one another, waiting for the other to break. Eventually, I got bored with the sudden game and laid down on my bed. "Fine!"

She smiled happily.

"But why? It's not like we were doing anything." I got up, not caring about my nudity and slipped on some boxers.

"You were practically masturbating in front of him."

"Not really."

"Yeah really."


"So..." She dragged out. I didn't have to look at her to know that she was pretending to be innocent in order to get something outta me.

"What!" I demanded.

"Is he like, gay or....?"

A humorless chuckle left my lips. This girl.....

"Gee Ciara. I wouldn't know. My little plan was cut short by a nuisance."

She jutted out her bottom lip and folded her arms, mumbling "meanie" under her breath.

And now that I was caught, I had no other choice but to tell Dean what was on my mind.


"A threesome?" He asked bewildered.


"You want us," He motioned his index finger between us. "To have a threesome, with another guy?"

"Yes "

"Who's also one of your professors?"


"Who you barely know, or know anything about?'

"...... Dean-"

"No." He shook his head. He paced around his room with his back to me. I sighed out and fell back on his bed. I couldn't help but to smell his pillow. It smells like him, duh. "Especially not after what you just told me." And then he just went completely silent.

"What are you thinking?'

He froze mid pace and left his arms at his side.

"Nothing." He lied.


"I said nothing! Let it go Chris!" He snapped, throwing a piercings glare my way over his shoulder. Although his voice held authority and was very straight forward on what he meant, I didn't stop.

"This isn't Frozen Dean. So I will not let it go." I sat up and crawled to the foot of the bed where he sat with his back facing me. I didn't say anything to him. I only wrapped my arm around his shoulder and laid my chin down on his other shoulder, awaiting his answer.

"Enough." He mumbled briefly.


"Am I not enough? Am I not enough for you Chris? Do I not satisfy you well enough that you want to try it with another man?" He growled. It should've hit me sooner. How did I not catch on to it? His voice, his words and his body language. It was all there.

Dean was jealous

"Dean." I jumped off of the bed and circled around him. I crouched down so our gazes could be inlined. "You could never ever not be enough for me. How dare you say and think such a thing? Do you know how long I pinned after you? How long I talked Ciara's ear off with only happy words of you? Dean, I'd never throw away all of that and this for some guy I only met a few days ago. " I grabbed his chin to make him look back at me when he averted his eyes some where else. "And it truly hurts me that you even think I'd do something so stupid, so idiotic."

"Chris-" He tried to reach out and touch me when I stood straight, but I moved back.

"If that's what you think my intentions are, then you must not really know me." And then I stormed my way out of his house without looking back.

And for the first time, the very first time since we've been together, after all these years, Dean had managed to make me shed a tear that wasn't out of pleasure but pain.


I'd just finished skyping Felix when Ciara came in with a smile that I so badly wanted to remove. When I'm sad, everyone else around me has to be. It's only right.

He told me about his new boyfriend, Tyler and his life, I guess. Since I was to busy moping over what had happened hours ago with Dean, I mostly muted out half the things he said.

I made up the lie that I was tired and bid him farewell.

When I didn't make any effort to give her appearance any mind, she obnoxiously through her purse on her bed and huffed.

"Hello to you too." She rolled her eyes. "What's got your ass so tight? Need lube?" She joked.

"Dean and I had a fight."

She stopped herself from uttering another word. She slowly closed her mouth and sat back against her bed.

"What happened?" She slid off of her bed and came to sit next to me on mine. I picked up one of my pillows and cradled it in my arms. I guess I'll have to get used it for some time.

As I tried to hold back my tears, I explained every thing to her. She listened without interrupting me, and I was grateful for that. If she hadn't heard me the first time I said it, I wouldn't be able to repeat it again.

By the time I'd finished telling everything that happened, she was wiping tears off of my face for me. I just felt too numb to do so. Is this what it feels like to be heartbroken? No, is this what it feels like to be in real pain? I've never felt something so strong. It made me weak, but only gave me enough power to cry and whimper. I hated this feeling, and I wanted nothing more than for it to go away.

Ciara didn't speak as she pulled the sheets over us and pulled me into her arms. I laid my head on her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Don't worry Chris. It'll get better, I promise." She squeezed me. Now I know how it felt. When someone said something and you couldn't help but to begin to cry.

Who knew by the end of the day, I'd cry myself to sleep in the arms of my best friend? I surely didn't.

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