Chapter 4 | Hell

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Six cackled with satisfaction, hauling Y/N through the portal alongside [&$-@!]. It closed behind them, revealing a tall figure. They dropped her with a thud. He tapped his foot impatiently, his arms crossed.
Six turned around, grinning.
"I got her boss. Told ya I'd be quick! Easy-peasy."
The tall figure walked up to them, observing her limp body as she laid on the ground. Blood leaked from a wound on her head, her face swollen and bruised. He growled under his breath, turning to face Six. His smug grin faded a little, chuckling nervously.
"You IMBECILE. I said no head injuries. You could've killed her!"
His voice dripped with poison. Six scoffed.
"Jeez. Since when do you care about the lives of humans?"
He slapped Six.
"FOOL. Have you already forgotten? The Tainted Ones are the key playing pieces of my plan."
Six scowled, rubbing his cheek.
"So what if one human dies? There's too many of 'em anyways."
He rolled his eyes, folding his hands behind his back.
"I'm beginning to grow tired of your insolence, Six. Your misdemeanors will be the end of you. You're lucky I can't fire you right now."
Six trembled at the thought of being fired. The worst way to go for a demon. The figure leaned closer to Six, anger apparent in his eyes.
"We can't kill her because she's the only Tainted One left. All the others have killed themselves or died in other various ways. Luckily for us, her father isn't a mouth-breathing moron and kept the true cause of her mother's death from her."
Six scratched his chin, knowing full well that he was probably gonna forget all this later on. He nodded.
"Well good thing she ain't dead."
The figure gritted his teeth.
"Yes. Lucky you."
He flicked his wrist in the direction of Y/N's body, causing her to float off ground, a black aura surrounding her. He leaned away from Six, narrowing his eyes at him.
"I will take her to her cell to ensure there are no more.. casualties. Go clean the break room."
Six's mouth opened to give a sarcastic remark, but he quickly closed it, seeing that He was already in a bad mood. He nodded, complying with his orders. He stormed off to the break room in a huff. The figure sighed, striding in the direction of the cell block. He then begun chuckling malevolently to himself.
"Everything is going according to plan."
here's a mini-chapter, sorry for the very long gaps in-between chapters, i haven't really been into mandela catalogue much lately or found time to write :(
hopefully i'll have motivation to write a longer chapter 5, until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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