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Solamente la primera mención podría llevarte a una conclusión de que Cell puede destruir el universo de un solo tiro, la segunda no. La segunda mención implica algo eventual y en sucesión. Cell planea destruir el universo, pero eso no lo volvería universal. Sin nadie para detenerlo, con inmortalidad de por medio, Cell podría acabar por destruir el universo entero.
Más allá de eso, no veo por qué darle preferencia a una sola mención, por sobre el millar de menciones que te dicen que Cell podría destruir el sistema solar si usa su máximo poder.
Dentro de todas las fuentes que dicen lo mismo, están:
La Dragon Book:
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190 From Goku to Gohan... My father's soul was transmitted
● Cell, who is delighted with his power beyond perfection, recalls the events from the time he was created by Doctor Gero to the present. The energy of Cell rises enough to blow away the solar system, and on the swaying earth, fearful people! When Gohan, who was overwhelmed by the power, resigns, Goku's voice arrived from the next world through Kaio. Gohan, who was struck by Goku, holds it only with his right hand, and Cell and Gohan fire a giant Kamehameha at the same time.
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Cell raises his ki enough to destroy the solar system. Goku's voice reaches the heart of Gohan who is about to break. And both Kamehameha explode at the same time!
Gohan challenges Cell's full power Super Kamehameha, which also can blow away the solar system, with his own Super Kamehameha! But can you win injured, Gohan? At that time, the heart of Goku was transmitted from the other world! The power of the two has become one, and Cell has finally disappeared! The biggest battle on earth, the winner is Gohan!!
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Poner una mención que fácilmente puede implicar exageración, por sobre otro montón de menciones de todo tipo de fuentes y guías (e incluso dentro de la propia obra, con Cell mencionando que con su máximo poder tiene energía como para destruir el sistema solar) es totalmente absurdo.
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