Peonies are her favorites

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Lizzie POV

„Hey George.." I greeted him as I placed my bag down onto a table on my left.

„Elizabeth." he replied coldly and I still can't tell why is so tense.

„This garden is beautiful." I complimented as I stroked over a rose that was hanging down from the plant. I smelled on it and it was great which I didn't expect especially at this time of the year.

„I started with this hobby when Nora died. I mean not started but kinda restarted. I used to do gardening back in my younger days but now I am not in the best shape to do it as best as I can."
he answered and a lump forms in my throat as he mentioned Nora.

„you know these?" he asked as he stepped closer to a certain type of roses.

„I do yes." i answered and he chopped one off to smell on them.

„Peonies." I added and he hummed as he gave me the flower.

„Those used to be Nora's favorites. You probably wonder how I know it since I wasn't really a good father." he went on as i smelled on It.

„I had to take her with me once when I went to the florist to get a new bouquet for Margot. I was so distracted with selecting the flowers that Nora went to look around to get one too. She took the flower and gave it to the florist as I was distracted to look for my wallet. The florist finished the bouquet of flowers and I've decided to get Margot white roses. But it wasn't white only. Right in the middle of the bouquet was a peonies. Bright and beautiful. She wanted to give her mom a flower too. She then told me „I love this one." and from that day on I kept it in my mind."
He told me as he was making a bought of flowers.
Only with peonies but there was one white rose in the middle of it.

„I've been laying these flowers down on her grave ever since she died." he told me as he handed me the bouquet over. Something peaked into my finger and I winced at the sudden pain I felt.
I placed the bouquet down onto the table next to me and looked at my finger seeing blood and a sting from that one rose in it.

„here take this." he gave me a tweezer, a tissue and a band aid as if he knew that I'd hurt myself. He was prepared for it.

I took care of that small would and he watched me in silence until I was done.
„Elizabeth is there something you need to tell me before we keep on going with this conversation?"
He asked me which was confusing but I shook my head so he's keep on talking.

„I won't lay this bouquet down in front of Nora's gravestone."

„Where else will you put it then?" I asked after some silence and he looked at me with cold eyes.

„It will land in a hospital room. To be specific right next to Nora's bed because she isn't dead."
He dropped the bomb and I had no clue that he knows. How did he even find out about this?
Or is he just kidding and going insane?

„I'm sorry what?" I asked trying chose my words carefully now.

„I know she's alive. I saw her. How she was attached to all these wires. The faint beeping in the background. It was her in flesh and bones. This is my daughter laying in the hospital and tell me why you never intended on telling me?? Her father?? Her family?? Her flesh and blood?? Elizabeth I need to know and so help me god you need to come clean now or I swear you won't ever be able to visit her again." he asked and his voice got louder with every question passing by.

„Who told you?" was all I wanted to know for now because not everyone knows that she's alive.
And nobody would tell him not if Nora wouldn't approves which she obviously can't. I don't know how she will react when she sees her father standing at the edge of her bed.

„That is not important. What important is is that you've been lying to me for almost seven year. Lying to your boss and coworker. You've let me suffer. Knowing in the back of your head that she is alive and not dead and she has kids??!!! God damn it she has twins and I've never seen them. They've never seen their grandparents. Met their uncles and aunt. How dare you keep this alway from us?"

„Now don't act like you're a saint. Deep down in your heart you knew that you don't deserve to be in her life unless she gives you a second chance. Which I highly doubt. She was in a living hell when she had to be with you and the rest of the family.
You've treated her like shit. For decades. Blaming her on her mothers death. What is wrong with you? You've turned her whole against her. Just because you couldn't accept and love her. Even if Margot died that day it will never be Nora's fault.
Her mother decided on rather she lives or dies.
It was her selfless being. You blame her even though she was still a gift."

„What is it even with you and her? You were her professor!! You shouldn't even have a connection with her that goes this deep that you are the only one who knows that she's alive. D-did you had an affair with my daughter?" I closed my mouth as he was putting two and two together.

„This dreadful silence of yours is enough knowledge for me. How long has this been going on?" he asked and I was still not answering.

„ANSWER!!" he yelled and I shrugged lightly feeling the air getting thicker around me.

„Not for long. We had tension and a deep connection. But she faked her death. I didn't know that she was alive believe me. She fooled all of us.
I found out almost six months ago or more."

„So you've been keeping this from me for almost over half a year?"

„Yes." I replied and he stumbled back onto a chair.

„Is this why you took the time off from work? To be with her? Because you still feel something for her?" he asked after a silent minute.

„Her kids. Before she lost consciousness from the blood loss she was begging me to take care of her kids and I've been doing it ever since. And I won't stop taking care of them. Not even if she wakes up.
They've grown to me as if they where mine."
I whispered as he rubbed his eyes.

„But they aren't. They belong to me. Not to you.."
He replied and my heart broke.

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