„Welcome home"

447 33 3

Nora POV

„Alrighty.. welcome home." Lizzie shut off the engine as she parked right next to the house but a bit closer so that I wouldn't have to walk with my crutches for that long.

I smiled as I unbuckled myself ready to head inside but I obviously wasn't as fast as I wanted to be.
Lizzie ran out and around the car to open the door for me which was.. surprising. But sweet.

„You know I can open the door myself right?"
I questioned playfully and she rolled her eyes.

„Come on. A thank you Lizzie would have been enough." she replied while she had a grin resting on her face.

„Well thank you Liz." I answered and her grin turned into a soft and gentle smile that lasted.

„Of course." she stroked my back gently as she closed the passenger door.

„Don't we wanna get my bag from the back?"
I asked while nodding my head towards the luggage space.

„I can get that later for you. Let's go inside first."
She pushed me a bit from my back trying to get me inside.

„Can we just stop for a moment. Before we go inside-." I stopped at the porch as Lizzie was standing on the small staircase already.
She looked down on me and her expression became a bit more serious because she probably noticed by the tone of my voice that I have something that has to be said.

„Is everything okay?" she asked me.

„I just wanted to apologize. For the conversation earlier in the car. If there was anything I said that might have hurt you then I am sorry for saying it."
I told her and her face frowns.

„I am not mad at you for the things you've said. Don't apologize for speaking your truth. I am beyond relieved when you are being honest."
She told me as she let her hand rest on my shoulder. She squeezed it a bit and I looked at her before I looked beside her signing her that we should go inside.

„Strange that I don't hear Chase and Quinn screaming or Chestnut barking. I thought they were home?" I told Lizzie as I walked in but right before she could answer I was surprised by a loud scream.

„SURPRISE!!" was all I heard and as I looked around I see a big banner with
„welcome home!!" written on it. Confetti flew through the air and for a moment I felt like time stopped.

Chase, Quinn and Chestnut started to run towards me with joy written all over their faces. I let my crutches go and accepted my faith that I would fall down regardless of if I would let go of them on my own or if the kids would yank them away to hug me properly.

I knelled down and embraced my three kids into my arms. Yes Chestnut is my kid too. Even though she is a dog. Tears ran down my face as I feel their tiny hands on my back. Chestnuts paws on my thighs and she was licking me. Quinn and Chase had their heads resting in my shoulders how they always used to do. Feeling their warmth and breath on my skin is something I have missed tremendously. I kissed them all multiple times on the head and after minutes they let go of me.

I look to my right and see Lizzie standing there ready to give me back my crutches. She helped me up and after I was standing stable she stroked my hair behind my ear and gave me a kiss on the head just like I did with my kids.

„welcome home." was what she whispered and by the big smile on her face that is mixed with happy tears I could tell that she was planing this all along.
No wonder why my kids weren't there when I was free to leave the hospital.

„Can we all get a hug and kisses from our cripple as well?" I turned around and only now I have realized that we weren't the only ones in my house.

Scar was there with Cobie and Beth had Lesley by her side as well. I hopped towards them and fell into Scars arms first. She gave me a kiss on my cheek and I could see that she had tears in her eyes. I greeted Cobie with a tighter hug than I did with Lesley because we don't know each other that good yet and I could see from the corner of my that Beth was crying like a waterfall.
She had those little dancy jumps and we always used to make them out of excitement and joy.

„Last but certainly not least. Come here." I pulled her in and we hugged each other so tight that we both weren't able to breath.

„welcome back bestie. We missed you all." she whispered as she stroked the tears out of my face.

„I couldn't ask for a better welcome committee.
You guys are the best I could ever ask for. Thank you all for everything. That you stood beside me with every step no matter how ugly or beautiful they were."

„Come on Safe your speeches for when we clink glasses later." Beth stroked my shoulder as she squeezed me into a side hug.

„Okay okay. I will."

„We did some pizza that is ready to be eaten." scar announced and I whined in a thankfully way.

„God yes finally I am extremely hungry. This hospital food is out of this world."

„Is that why you got so skinny mom? Because the food doesn't taste good?" Quinn asked and I nod slightly while rubbing through his hair. I missed that even though he doesn't enjoy it.

„Yes buddy that was one of the reasons why I lost so much weight. But mom will be back to normal."

„You promise?" Chase asked and I smiled as I gave her a kiss on the head.

„Mommy promises yes princess. Now let's eat.
And can somebody please pou-." I stopped mid sentence as I saw Lizzie hand me something to drink over.

„Pour me a Glas of wine. Did you read my mind or something?" I asked her and she giggled.

„No but if were you I'd definitely wanted to have a big glass of wine as well." she replied as we sat down next to each other but I still had Chase between us.

„Thank you Liz." I thanked her and she smiled.

„Your welcome." she replied and I couldn't help but to smile as I started to look around again to take this beautiful moment in. To be surrounded by the people who love me the most.


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