An unsure mind

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Nora POV

„I see you have lots of flowers around you already. Would you mind if I-." he raised the bouquet and wiggled with it and I saw Lizzie reaching her hands out for them.

„I will go and get another  Vase. I'll be right back."
She squeezed my hand and I let her go so she could leave. We watched her leave and after that our eyes met again.

„Who told you that I am alive?" I asked as soon as the door was closed. My curiosity was killing me cause I know that the girls wouldn't do it.
I trust in them.

„Is that so important?" he asked and I raised my brows sternly letting him know that it is important without saying a single word.

„Elizabeths husband. I don't know if you remember him. But I am sure you should since you've been in a relationship with her." he blurbed out and my tense face softened.

„I know I am not someone to judge but why her? A married woman? And she was your professor!"
He whispered as if he didn't want anyone to hear what he said but no one can hear us since we are alone.

„I'd like to remember that. But I can't. Not yet."
I told him honestly because I was still standing in the dark even though I feel that bond.

„Okay. That is... good." He mumbled at first.

„Good? How can it be good that I don't remember her?" I asked and he glanced back to the door hoping that no one steps through before he says something.

„You can move on. You've already forgotten her and your past with her. If you move on she will be with her husband in peace and you can find anyone else in this world."
Anyone else? But what if I only want her?
How can he say that?

„I don't think I can. I don't remember her yet. But something tells me that I should keep on trying.
I am not willing to give up on her."

„Well you should. She is married and you won't live a good life when it is an affair."
He added trying to make me feel bad and somehow he did.

„but... have you seen a ring on her hand?"
I asked him and he staid silent for a moment.

„That doesn't matter. She is still with her husband Robbie. Think about it. Maybe you'll stay in that relationship who knows. I am just trying to convince you to not keep on doing so.
One day you will wake up probably laying next to her and you will realize that you've been a
home wrecker. You are better than that."
I looked down at my hands in guilt but I don't even know what I feel guilty for because I can't remember how it was with her.
Have I been with her before she got married?
Was it during her marriage?
Or both? I don't know...

„alright here they are." I heard Lizzie's voice and I covered my upper body with the blanket as well.

Lizzie POV

„Is everything okay?" i asked as i noticed how they both looked into another direction.

„Yeah. I am just... tired." she mumbled as she smuggled into the blanket. But she just woke up from being asleep?

„I think it is for the better if you leave now." she told George without looking at him and he took his jacket to go.

„Get well soon. I hope I'll hear from you."
He told her and glanced at me for a split moment giving me a nod.

„See you next week at work." he added to let me know that I won't get another month or two off to take care of Nora. As soon as he closed the door I looked back at Nora and she already turned her back on me.

„Hey you." I placed the vase aside and walked around so she would face me now.

„Are you really doing alright? You seem so quiet. Did he say something that wasn't supposed to be said?" I questioned as i stroked her shoulder for a short moment but then I felt her move as if in she doesn't want me to touch her.

„I am. I just feel cold and weak. My head is hurting as well." She mumbled lowly.

„it's been a lot to process. No wonder why your head is hurting. You'll feel better after a nap."
I told her and she hummed.

„Are you married?" she asked me out of the blue and I glanced down at my empty hand while stroking over my ring finger.

„I see the imprint of the ring. Is it true? Are you taken?" she digs further and I looked up at her.

„it's complicated I-."

„No it's not Lizzie. I just wanna hear a simple yes or no. I am not asking for much."
She told me with a hint of anger in her voice.

„Yes. I am. But I am planing on getting divorced."

„Don't do it for me if your happy with him.
I know I don't remember anything yet. Maybe it is for the better if we go separate ways. I forgot you and I don't know if I will remember and-."

„Wait hold your horses hun. Is this what made you go silent when I came in? Did George manipulate your mind? Look. The man I am married to is terrible. I don't wanna stay beside him. I am meant to stay beside you and I will till death will rip me away from you. I don't care if you don't remember me. Because I know what we've been through and I am willing to fight. I did it back then and I will do it now too. If you won't remember the past I will makes you fall for me in the future. If you allow me to be next to you even though I am a stranger.
We will sort things out together. I promise."
I spilled out my heart as i saw how her eyes got filled with bitter sweet tears.

„I don't need an answer from you now. Just don't push me away. I know you tend to do it. Just give us a try. Give me a go and give me a chance."
I added while I had ti swallow that lump in my throat.

„Your tiered. I see it in your eyes. Get some rest.
I'll be here when you wake up." I stroked a hair strain behind her ear and she closed her eyes to fall asleep.


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