Going home

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Narrator POV

The day has come.. it's been three weeks by now even though the doctors said that Nora could leave in two. But today is the day where she finally gets to leave the hospital. She packed her bag. Sorted her things together that made her feel a bit more at home for the time she was here.

The little plushy bears that laid in the so called
„get well soon" baskets. The paintings Chase and Quinn made and the small selection of clothes Lizzie gave her because she asked for it. The flowers withered by now and nurses Olivia said they will be taken care of so that Nora won't have to pack those up too.

„Are you ready?" Nora turned her head to the side as Lizzie's voices brought her back to reality.

„Hmm I can't wait to go home." she told her close friend. She knows that they were more than friends. But she doesn't know what to call them for now. It's confusing her. She's confused but Lizzie seems to see things as clear as the blue sky.

„I checked in with the doc already earlier today.
I just need to sign in some papers and I am done for good." Nora added to let Lizzie know what needs to be done.

„Okay then. Let me take this." Nora zipped the bag up to hand it over to Lizzie. She would carry it herself but Nora is still slightly restricted when it comes to waking. She needs to walk with her crutches.

She's more than relieved that she got rid of that wheelchair that made her feel like a 95 year old woman. She thought to herself „I don't ever wanna be in a wheelchair again. Only under one condition and that is if someone fucked me numb"
A pretty entitled and justified decision if you ask me...moving on!

„Olivia? I almost didn't notice you." Nora called after her to see Olivia in a light purple dress with small daisies on them. She had a wide smile resting on her face while she walked up to the reception where Nora was standing with Lizzie.

„It's my free day after four months. I am actually going out today." she stroked Nora's arm in a greeting way.

„Well you look amazing. What are you up to?"
Nora asked her.

„Paul actually asked me out.. I actually didn't want to. But he was really into taking me out. So I agreed on it." Nora's eyes started to spark a bit.
She was playing match maker out of boredom with Paul. She never expected that it would actually click between them.

„Wow. He really did ask you out? You hear that Lizzie? She's going out with Paul!" Nora nudged Lizzie's side to gain her attention as she was speaking to another nurse behind the reception.

„Who's Paul?" She asked Nora sounding curious and jealous at the same time.

„Paul is a security guard and after what happened we gave him the order to stay with Nora."
Olivia explained and a „hmm" was the only thing that left Lizzie's mouth.

„Anyways. I Hope you guys have a lot of fun. Stay safe and don't drink to much." Nora told Olivia and she chuckled.

„Are you my mother? Cause to me it sounds like she would say that." Olivia asked and that made Nora rub her head flustered.

„No. I am not. Guess that was just my instinct because I have kids. But they will never go out on dates." Nora replied being a 100% sure about her kids.

„I wouldn't be so sure of that dear." Lizzie joked and Nora glared at her.

„My kids won't date anyone. Not under my roof."
She stated and Lizzie and Olivia shared an amused look knowing well that this day will come one day. But Nora isn't ready for that at all.

„Let that day rest in the future. We will work on that." Lizzie told her while she tapped her shoulders gently.

„My baby's won't date." Nora mumbled to herself and Lizzie stroked her hand behind her back.

„The papers are ready to be signed miss." a nurse pulled her attention to the papers laying on the reception with a pen.

„Well we wish you a lot of fun with Paul." Lizzie told Olivia and she nod giving her a smile.

„Thank you. I wish you both the best together."
Olivia replied with a smile resting on her face.

„I haven't thanked you but thank you for everything. You've been an extrem help and really supportive and caring." Olivia teared up and walked up to Nora to give her a hug.

„Thank you. I haven't heard that in a while."
Nora hugged her back with one arm because she still had to hold onto the crutches.

„Okay I think we're ready to go." Lizzie announced and they both separated heading off to the parking lot.


„So. Tell me. Is there anything you are exited about when you arrive at home?" Lizzie asked Nora while she was concentrating on driving but she still wanted to keep up a conversation.

„Ugh. Where do I start? Of course I will be happy to be around Chase and Quinn again. I missed chestnut and how she used to wake me up because she wanted her breakfast."

„oh she's been waking me up for the while you where gone. I can remember it yesterday I was so mad that she-."

„That she what? What did she do?"

„She woke me up from sleeping." Lizzie replied quick hoping that this topic would be over but Nora digs further.

„Did you get angry because she woke you up from a good dream?" she asked Lizzie and she turned red trying to avoid her gaze cause she literally felt her eyes resting on her.

„Mhm no." she coughed but Nora new by the way she was tapping her fingers on the shearing wheel and how red she looked that Nora is right with her assumption.

„Let me guess? A dirty dream?" Nora dragged her voice out seductively and Lizzie shifted in her seat and tensed her thighs but Nora didn't notice it since her eyes were resting on her face.

„Well... I am glad that chestnut won't wake me up anymore." Lizzie answered and Nora's heart somehow stings. It was the way Lizzie said cause it sounded a bit defensive as if she was ready to leave. As if she couldn't wait any longer to get away from Nora home. Is that what she wants? Is this what Lizzie was waiting for her whole time?

„Yeah. She won't." Nora replied lowly pressing herself a bit more into her seat as if she wanted to be able to hide in it.


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