Room E 24

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Lizzie POV

„Are you mad at me?" Chase asked after I sat myself back down into the car. I was confused and turned around to look at her in a questioning way.

„Mad? Honey why would I be mad at you?"
I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders.

„I don't know you walked in looking angry and I thought you were mad at me."

„I could never be mad at you honey. I am mad about the ones who hurt you."

„So you are not mad about me saying that I have two moms?" she asked as she played with her selves. A habit that reminds me of Nora. She always used to do that.

„God no of course not. When you refer to me as mom I am beyond happy and grateful. I would love nothing more to be a mom to both of you. Of course only if you let me and allow me to be your mom." I told them as I looked at them both and they smiled.

„What about mom? Will she be mad if we call you mom too?" Quinn asked and I sigh as I shrugged my shoulders.

„I don't think so. She might be confused at first.
But I don't think she will be mad. Maybe it will be confusing when you call for one of us and we both listen to the word mom. Maybe you can find another version for me. Do it as you guys like."

„Hm... we could say ma or mama or mommy."
Quinn counted all the versions he knows.

„I think mama sounds great." I offered them since I heard Chase calling me that for the first time when she was in her half sleep.

„Yeah.. I like it." Chase answered with a smile now on her face and I am a bit more relieved now.
I stroked their faces and buckled myself up so that we would drive off to the hospital.

„By the way. I have a surprise for both of you."
I told them after we were driving for a while.

„What is it?" they asked and I glanced back shortly as we stood at a red light.

„Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I would tell you right?" I told them and they whined impatiently.

After around 10 minutes of driving we arrived at the hospital and the kids knew immediately what was going on.

„Mom woke up right??? Please say yes please say yes!! PLEASE!!!" they cheered as they jumped out the car in pure excitement. I couldn't hide the smile that rested on my face and they hugged me tight as I got out of the car.

„This is the best surprise ever!!!! Let's get in I wanna see her first!!" Quinn yelled out and ran off first.

„Heyy!! I  Wanna see her first too!!" Chase screamed after Quinn as she started running too.

„Be careful !" I yelled as I jogged in trying to stay close to them.

„We are here to see our mom!! Can you tell us where she is?" Quinn asked at the reception as he tried to look over it to see the nurse who was sitting there.

„She just woke up! She was sleeping for three months!" Chase added in to fill the woman in.

„Hey little ones. Can you guys give me your mothers name so I can see what room she is in?"

„Her name is Nora Lewis miss. I got a call today and I was told that she woke up. We would like to visit her." I answered as I placed my hands on the kids backs.

„And you must be her wife I guess?" she smiled gently as she looked at the ring on my hand and then back up to me.

„hmm." I answered knowing exactly that she won't let me in when I am not an official family member.
I am not even Nora's girlfriend. I don't even know where we stand since everything came crashing down and we got split up once again.
But this is the last time that something like this happens. I don't ever wanna be torn apart from her.

„She is in room E 24 on the second floor. You can take the stairs or the elevator. Then you have to go to the right at almost the end of the floor and there you will find her." she told us and the kids ran off before I could say anything.

„Thank you miss." I thanked her and jogged after them so I wouldn't lose them out of my sight.
As we took the elevator up I glanced down at my hand and removed one specific ring form my hand that used to mean something to me. I put the ring into my jeans pocket and we stepped out of the elevator. I couldn't hold the kids back so I let them run off. I saw how they talked to a doctor for a short moment and then they walked into a room.

The doctor looked my way and had a small smile on their face which faded away quickly. My gut wrenches as I came closer to her. You know that feeling when you stand on the edge of a springboard? How the surrounding sounds dim and fade away slowly. The Puls that is around your throat gets noticeable and you feel like you can't say anything because your mouth is to dry.
This is how I started to feel as I saw how the smile of the doctor faded away.
She didn't even say anything yet I feel like everything has been said and done.

„Misses Olsen. We are glad to have you here. I let the kids in already if that is okay with you. I would like to talk you in private if that would be alright."

„Can it wait? I would like to see Nora first."

„Unfortunately no. We wanted to warn you about.." before the doctor could say anything I felt two tiny hands grab mine to pull me into Nora's room.

„Mom mom!!! Here is Lizzie I am sure you missed her just as much as you missed us!!" Chase told Nora as they looked at each other. Her bed was a bit up so she would sit in a certain way. She has her hair tugged behind her ear on one side and she wore her glasses. She had an oxygen tube under her nose and she started to look towards my direction. Those eyes... those beautiful deep and loving eyes are eyes at that looked at me in confusion. There was no smile on her face and something tells me deep down that there is something terribly wrong.

„Mom? Why are you so silent?" Quinn asked as he pulled on her sleeve to gain her attention and any reaction. But there was none. She still looked at me as if I...

As if turned into a stranger...

A/n: hehe a cliffhanger y'all know by know how much I love to put them in 😉

Hope y'all enjoyed it anyways!

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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