Suicide Squad?

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Ruby was sat in her fireproof room again, it had been two days since that woman had come, "She wants to use you a weapon." Floyd said, "I know, Floyd, I know." Ruby said, suddenly the alarm went off and a bunch of guards came barreling in at Ruby, she was knocked to the ground and, the back of her collar was ripped, and she felt herself get injected with something "Jebni na môj život..." Ruby mumbled as she went unconscious.

Ruby opened her eyes and saw she was being carried on some stretcher, her body from the neck down was covered in a blanket type of material "Čo sa to kurva deje?" Ruby asked, she felt another injection but this time in her neck "You're all somariny." she growled as she once again, fell unconscious.

Ruby was woken up once the plane landed, "Welcome back sleeping beauty." Floyd said to her, she looked at him then looked around at her surroundings, she looked at Floyd again and saw him smiling at her, she sighed quietly in relief knowing he was ok, they were rolled out in an individual line, El Diablo, Ruby, Floyd, Harley Quinn, and some crocodilian guy was rolled next to her in a line, "Čo v?" Ruby stared at the guy, Floyd looked at her and shrugged, he knew a little Sokovian, the guy from two days ago was standing in front of them now "Unlock them." He said, "He sounds pleased" Ruby muttered to Floyd, he looked at her and grinned "He already hates our existence." Floyd whispered, Ruby grinned and looked at everyone, she wasn't listening to Harley, she reached up to her neck and rubbed at it, she then felt the rip down her back "¡Ay esos hijos de puta!" Ruby cursed in Spanish, mostly everyone stared at her, Diablo looked behind her and frowned her whole back was visible, Floyd knew Spanish after working with the pyrokinetic girl for so long and moved his head behind her and saw her back, he frowned moved her in front of him before anyone could see her, the top three buttons were undone on her shirt so you could see her tattoo.

"What have we got here?" The colonel walked up to a moving sack "Twelve pounds of shit in a ten-pound sack." Ruby got bored of listening and looked around, that was an issue for her, she got bored easily and tended to get side-tracked quite a lot, she looked back when Floyd moved her head towards the colonel "Listen up! In your necks, the injection you got, it's a nanite explosive. It's the size of a rise grain but as powerful as a hand grenade." Ruby rubbed her neck slightly "You disobay me. You die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, and guess what? You die." He said, Harley put her hand up "I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you." she said but got yelled at to shut up "Pequeña vaca irrespetuosa. Si yo fuera su mamá, recibiría una buena paliza.." Ruby muttered in Spanish, Diablo and Floyd chuckled silently, "This is the deal. You're going somewhere very bad, to do something that will get you killed. But till that happens, my problem" he finished sarcastically "Mmm, so was that like a, uh, pep talk?" Floyd asked, "Yeah. That was a pep talk." he said 'Lier.' Ruby thought, "There's your shit. Grab what you need for a fight. We're wheels up in ten." He went to walk away but Floyd was talking to him about Phil Jackson.

Ruby walked over to her respective trunk, which was next to Harley's and Floyd's, she opened it and looked at her clothes "God, never thought I'd be wearing this again." Ruby spoke quietly, Floyd smiled at his former partner, Ruby stripped off her shirt and put the cropped white one on and put her black and red jacket over it, next she grabbed her pants, she took her orange ones off and put the black lace ones on, she put a pair of socks on and her black doc martins which had engraved flames on them, you could see her tattoo's on her legs through the mesh, she tied the boots up and saw everyone staring at her, "Prestaňte hľadať, prasatá." she snapped in Slovak, whatever she said that they didn't understand sounded mean, she sighed and looked at Floyd who was looking at his face cover "I miss these clothes." he muttered, "So do I." Ruby agreed with him, the others came closer to Ruby, Floyd and Harley. 

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"I hate this fucking plan

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"I hate this fucking plan." Ruby said, her think accent showing, "So you can speak English." Boomerang chuckled, "Sí, también puedo destriparte como el cerdo que eres." Ruby glared at him, Diablo looked at her and hid a smile, Boomerang backed up smirking, "Goody. Somethin' tells me a whole lotta people are about to die!" Harley said licking her tongue, "Yeah, It's us." Diablo said, "We're being led to our deaths." He finished, "Speak for yourself mate. Hey, what's that crap on your face? Does it wash off?" Boomerang pointed to Diablo, "Hey, if you like a girl, can you light her cigarette with ya pinkie? Because that'd be really classy!" Harley asked him as Ruby stared at them amused, "Hey, ya'll might wanna leave old boy here alone. He could torch this whole joint up. Ain't that right, ese?" Floyd asked Diablo, he shook his head "Ain't got nothing to worry about from me, I'm cool, homie." Diablo stared at Ruby, she looked away from his stares and looked at the smoking city.

Flag held up an iPad "Behold the voice of god." he said, the iPad turned on to see that woman, "For those of you who don't know me officially, I am Amader Waller. There is an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city and rescue HVT-1, and get them to safety." she said, Floyd waved his hand "I'm sorry, Uh.. For those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT-1?" he asked, "The only person that matters in the city, the one person you can't kill." she replied "Complete the mission, you get time of your prison sentence. Fail the mission, you die." she said, "I'm starting to see a very clear death passageway." Ruby said, "Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you." she paused "Remember, I'm watching. I see everything." she said, and the screen went black with a beep, "There's your pep talk." Flag said, "Compared to your shit, she killed it." Ruby said, "So, that's it? What, we some kind of Suicide Squad?" Floyd asked, "I'll notify your next of kin." Flag said and bumped both Floyd's and Boomerang's shoulders "I already don't like him." Ruby said, "You and me both darling." KC said.

Everyone was sat in the choppers until a girl with a katana came in, "Your late." Flag said, "I was busy." she said in Japanese "Nani o suru no ka?" Ruby asked, most were shocked the Mexican-Sokovian girl could speak Japanese, she went to pull her katana out but Flag stopped her, Ruby sighed and rested her head on Floyd's shoulder as he put an arm around her, Ruby wasn't that fond of heights, she wasn't scared of them but she didn't like being in high places that much "You okay Ruby-Roo?" Harley asked the stiff girl, Ruby stared at her questionably "Ruby-Roo?" she asked, "Yeah, Ruby-Roo, it's a cute nickname!" Harley yelled over the loud winds, "Don't call me Ruby-Roo." Ruby glared and looked away "Ruby-Roo, to je hlúpe meno, ale celkom roztomilé.." Ruby muttered at the end, she looked out the open window and saw a blur circle of trash in the sky 'Fuck off that's a terrorist attack.' Ruby thought, she leaned out to get a better look at it, but she was pulled back in "Whoa, your gonna fall out and die." Floyd yelled, "I was fine!" Ruby yelled back "You were hanging out the window!" Harley laughed "Wouldn't be the first time.." she muttered to Harley, the insane girl laughed and held onto Ruby's arm "So why do they call you 'Ruby Roundhouse'?" Harley asked, "Well, I was in a fight when I was a kid and someone yelled "Ruby, do a roundhouse!" so I did, and I liked that Ruby and Roundhouse rhymed, so I was and still am known as Ruby Roundhouse." Ruby looked at Harley who was staring at her "What?" Ruby asked, "Your name has a better backstory than mine, my name was Harleen Quinzel, I just shortened it." She pouted, Ruby chuckled and looked out the window again.

Suddenly the copter was jerked one way and it went crashing down, everyone was rolling around and screaming well almost everyone, Harley was laughing her ass off "Jebni ma! Ak pôjdem dole, nič neľutujem!" Ruby laughed, after a minute or two the copter crashed and rolled a bit before stopping, Ruby jumped out and Harley followed her, both unharmed "What a ride!" she laughed and grabbed onto Ruby's hand "Should be an actual ride." Ruby chuckled and walked forward but was stopped when Flag yelled her name, Ruby groaned "Coming father!" she yelled in a posh voice, Harley laughed again and followed the brunette back to Flag.

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