Prologue: Viktor's Mistake

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Hermione's POV

Last night, Viktor Krum asked me to meet him by the lake. When I got there, he stood waiting. Viktor starts walking and beckons for me to follow. He leads us around the lake as we talk.

"Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Viktor asks.

I smile. "That would be wonderful!"

Viktor nods and walks me back to the castle.

"See you tomorrow, Hermy-own," Krum says.

I nod, overcome with joy. I skip happily into the common room.

"Someone's in a good mood," Ginny says, looking up from her book. 

"Viktor just asked me to go to the Yule Ball with him," I exclaim.

"Viktor? As in Viktor Krum?" Ginny questions.

"The one and only," I reply before bounding off to bed. 

A week before the ball...

Last night, Viktor Krum asked me to meet him by the lake. This time, I walk slowly down to the lake, worried about what he might say.

"Hi, Hermy-own," Viktor says.

"What did you need, Viktor?" I ask, trying to hide my suspicions.

"I know that I asked you to the ball about a month ago, but I've gotten to know someone else and would like to go with her instead."

"And might I ask who is that, Krum?"

"Lillian," Viktor replies.

"Lillian Jones?! You ask me and then a month later you decide to go with Lillian Jones instead?!" I shout. "That's low, Krum, even for you," I add, turning on my heels.

As soon as I'm in the castle, I find an empty room and sit in the middle. I try to hold the tears back but I just break down. 

Draco's POV

'I finally got away from those two idiots,' I think. 'They have no idea how to do anything. Not even cast a simple spell... or get a date for the Yule Ball,' I add silently, referring to myself with the last part.

As I walk past an empty classroom, I hear crying. I knock on the door, feeling a desire to comfort them.

"Come in," a small, weak female voice says.

I open the door and find none other than Hermione Granger sitting on the floor crying.

"What's wrong, Granger? No one wanted to ask a muggle-born to the Yule Ball?" I ask, standing behind her.

"What happened to you saying things in a hard voice and calling me a 'mudblood'?" Hermione questions.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you hate me," Hermione mutters.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask, coming to sit next to Hermione.

"I have a feeling you are going to tell me anyway, so sure."

"I only ever tease you and make fun of you because..." I take a deep breath. 'I can't believe I'm going to say this.' I think. "... because I'm jealous of you and how smart you are and... and because I like you." 

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