Chapter 2: Dance Lessons & Hogsmeade

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Hermione's POV

Despite the very heavy load of homework that the fourth years had been given for the holidays, me and Draco found time to talk alone and start over (and have some extra dance lessons). When I walk into the classroom, I notice that Draco isn't there yet.

'Perfect,' I think. 'I can prepare for the lesson without Draco getting in the way.'

I look around and find a long ruler in the corner, along with a desk and a chalkboard. I pick up the chalk and write a title on the chalkboard: "The 4 D's". I then write four words below it: "Discipline, Determination, Deliverance, & Dance". I flick my wand at the radio in the corner before picking up the ruler and when Draco walks into the room, he stares at me like I'm crazy.

"You don't think that I am going to sit and listen to you lecture, do you?" Draco asks, sitting in the seat that I had set up for him.

"Yes, because today we are doing a lecture lesson," I reply.

"Not a lecture lesson," Draco says, burying his head in his arms on the desk in front of him.

I slap his feet with the ruler and he pulls them away.

"What was that for?" Draco questions.

"Discipline!" I cry, pointing to the word on the board with the ruler.

Draco buries his head in his arms on the table. I put the ruler down and sit in the chair across from Draco.

"Draco, please," I plead. "You have to listen and... please Draco. We need to do this. We need you to be able to lead at the ball. You have to lead. That's how it works. Please, Draco... please."

Draco looks up and nods. "I'll do it. I'll listen," Draco says.

"Thank you," I say, standing up and going back to the chalkboard.

"What are the 'Four D's' for?" Draco asks.

"To be a good dancer," I start. "You need to have all four: Discipline, like you were so kind to help me demonstrate," I say, getting an evil look from Draco that makes me smile. "Determination to get better; the Deliverance of the practice; and the Dance itself. Dance position," I add.

Draco gets up and holds himself in a position to dance.

"Not bad," I say, walking up to him. "But your feet need to be a little closer together," I instruct, moving his feet together with the ruler before setting it down. "This arm needs to be here with the hand angled like this." I move his right arm out a little further and tilting the hand up. "And this whole arm needs to move down more." I move his left arm so that it rests where my hip would be if we were dancing.

It takes me a moment to realize that Draco is looking at his feet. I pick up the ruler and smack him in the back of his head with it.

"And never - I repeat, never - look at your feet." I stand in front of Draco, putting myself into position to dance with him. "Look into the eyes of your partner. Dancing is a union... a trust." I say, looking Draco in the eyes.

Later that night, I head to the seventh floor where Draco told me to meet him. However, Draco is nowhere to be found when I get there.

"Draco?" I whisper. "Where are you?"

I feel a hand cover my mouth and someone pulls me into a room.

"Don't speak unless you want to be caught, Granger," a familiar voice says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes as Draco loosens his grip on me. I turn around seriously and pin Draco to the wall, my wand pointed at him.

"What's wrong, Hermione?" Draco asks, a look of general concern on his face.

It Started With a Dance (a Dramione Story)Where stories live. Discover now