Singa comforting his siblings-

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     Malaysia: Wuu.. ༼꒦ິɷ꒦ິ༽
Singapore: Whats wrong mal?.

    Malaysia: I lost all my milo T-T

   Singapore: *sigh* Here.*Passes his milo to Mal* Hope that makes you feel better.

       Malaysia: Thank you adik singa!

     Singapore: Whatever.

                        {At his house}

     Singapore: Hey guys im bac-

     Pulau Ubin: WAA SINGA..*hugs Singapore* I MISS YOU.

      Singapore: I missed you to where are the others?

       Temasek and Singapura: ABANG!*Hugs him tightly*

      Singapore: Ah my dear little siblings how are you?

       Singapura: Were good War flag of singapore missed ya too!

        War flag of Singapore:  Abang how are you?



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