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Its a cold and chilly night on an open field. There was some light mist visible and the stars were shining bright. The birds had gone to sleep and crickets could be heard in the distance. The trees surrounding the area were old and tall. You could barely see beyond them. In the midst of the field an individual could be seen. Confused and looking around. "Where am i?" The person stood up and
Felt as if they're back felt heavy. Like something is pushing them down. They decided to walk towards the trees. "How did i get here..." suddenly, a noise could be heard behind them. The individual spun around and scanned the area for any signs of life. But ended up not seeing anything. "Thats strange.. i thought i heard something" The person looked down to see the attire of clothes they were wearing. "And where did i get these clothes from?" Most of the colors were black and gray. Almost as if they were meant to be a shadow in the night. More so.. their gloves had these gems glowing in a f/c. The light of these gems was dim but noticeable. This person kept on looking around until eventually a slight beeping noise started making its way to the persons ears.

and louder until..

Beep beep be-

An arm had made its way to the alarm clocks off button. The person took a deep breath and grumbled "Stupid machine." an h/c colored teen started standing up. Streching and yawning in order to wake up. "Another day of school.. damnit." they scratched their back to get rid of an itch. The room they were in wasn't too big. A bed in the corner and a wooden desk on the opposite side.

Slowly the teen made their way to the bathroom to brush their teeth. *I look like a mess* the teen thought. After a little while they put the toothbrush down and went to the wardrobe which stood next to the desk. "Lets see.. what am i gonna wear today." They grabbed a pair of jeans and a plain white hoodie. "This will do."

After that the teen went out of their room slouching. They closed the door and headed to the staircase that went down. A nice sent hung in the air. "I see you've finally woken up y/n." A woman said from the kitchen. The teen replied with a light smile and still drooping eyes "Goodmorning to you too mom."

The woman with a blue robe turned around and walked to the brown table with a plate of food. "I've made you some eggs with bacon" the mother said. Y/n made a slight turn and walked right to their seat. The teen replied while looking at their food with delight " thanks mom." They started eating.

The mother looked at her child with a bit a dissapointment. "Do i not even get a morning hug anymore?" y/n stopped eating for a bit and answered. "Mom i'm not a kid anymore. I'll turn eighteen next month." The mother looked to a window above the sink and pinked a fake tear away."you kids grow up too fast."

Y/n chuckled at her response. "Yea yea i know. You'd rather i stay a kid forever." The mother smiled widely and looked back at her kid. " if only that was possible." The teen started eating again whilst the mother walked to the clock on the wall not too far away from the table.

"you do know school starts within the next thirty minutes right?" The teen looked up once again and asnwered "yes i'm aware." y/n looked at their food pondering about what to eat next. "No need to worry i'll be on time." The mother smiled again and walked to the coat rack. "Well i'll be on my way to work." She opened the door.

"Don't forget to lock the house." She closed the door right after and the room was filled with silence. y/n was done with eating the last few bites and grabbed the plate. *time to go i guess* they thought as their face formed a frown.

y/n got done with locking the house up and started walking away from the front door. *its very cold.. glad i grabbed my gloves.* y/n went down the road on the grey sidewalk following its path. *i wonder what i'm learning about today.*

the teen went on for a few more minutes and after crossing the road realization hit them. They stopped dead in their tracks and pinched the bridge of their nose. Irritated as to how they forgot something important. *my bag.* y/n groaned at their own thoughts. *yeah smartass, i need the damned books for school*

They turned around walking back and stopped too late.

They turned back around knowing they can't go to school without the books. Then y/n noticed something. Y/n was walking across the road without looking. A loud honk rung through the area. People were looking and pointed out what was happening.
Y/n's opened wide and suddenly everything went black.

Authors note)
This is the first time i've tried writing something and so there is a chance the writing style will change over time.

Anyway- hope you enjoyed it!

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