Chapter Three

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   We walked about ten feet before I heard footsteps rushing towards us. My tail flickered in annoyance as I glanced at my sister, a look of irritation clear on her face.

   "Hey, wait. Wait! Where are you goin'?"

   Loud noises of the male crashing through plants to catch up to us echoed in the silent air. Neytiris's steps began to slow down as he got closer to where we were. Rolling my eyes, I continued on the path home.

   Maybe if he were to follow us to the village he would understand that he is not welcome. Thoughts of the avatar being tied up and suffering had a smile growing on my face. Father would not be too pleased in the slightest if he did show up at home.

   "Slow down a second, will you? I just want to thank you for killing those -- "

   He makes the mistake of grasping Neytiris's shoulder and as result, receives a harsh blow to his head with her bow. Hearing the loud whack, I turned to see what had happened, smirking when I saw him laying flat on the ground touching his head. Taking fast and meaningful steps, Neytiri began yelling at him.

   "Don't thank! You don't thank for this! This is sad. Very sad, only."

  "Okay, I'm sorry. Whatever I did -- I'm sorry." His voice shook with a hint of fear.

   Huffing, Neytiri turns and marches forward, away from us. Watching her leave the scene, my ears twitch at the sound of his boot-clad feet dragging themselves underneath him so he could stand. Slowly turning my face to look at him, my eyes hardened once more as he dusted himself off.

   As if he felt my stare, his eyes shot toward me. Reaching my hand towards my knife once more, I pulled it out of its holder, twirling it in my hands as his yellow eyes widened at the action. He threw his hands up, palms facing me, as he frantically looked between both of my eyes.

   "Whoa whoa! I mean no harm!"

   I took a step forward, knife still in hand as I tilted my head at him. Aggressively gesturing the dead bodies of the viper wolves back where the fight had happened, I took a few more steps towards him.

   "All this is your fault! They did not need to die.", I spoke, my words full of venom.

   Crunching his face in disbelief at my words he argued back.

   "They attacked me. How am I the bad guy here-- "

   Lunging at him, I silence him with the tip of my knife at his throat. Blinkly rapidly at me once more as my eyes bored into his. Letting out a low hiss, I press my knife point closer to his neck. I felt his throat move as he gulped in fear.

   "I should kill you. Kill you right here. Right now.", I growled out.

   "Aliyah! Come!"

   My ears swivel in the direction her voice sounded from. With one last glare at the male, I spun around, running to catch up to my sister. Seeing her figure in the distance approaching the root that acted as a bridge, I placed my hand gently on her shoulder to alert her of my presence.

   Shooting me a small smile, she tugged on my elbow to fasten our pace. We were almost to the big root when once again loud footsteps came our way. I let out a hiss as I turned to see the same male following us onto the path.

   "It wasn't my fault-", he tried speaking but was interrupted as Neytiri spun around with the tip of her bow pointed at him in anger. I let out a quiet snicker at the terrified face of the male.

   "Your fault! You are like a baby, making noise, and don't know what to do. You should not come here, all of you! You only come and make problems. Only."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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