4. Professor's Point Of VieW ...

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:: Professor's Point of View ::
Chapter 4

Yibo pecked his pencil on his desk as he tried to drown out the sound of his teacher's voice.

"Am I boring you, Lan Yibo?" The portly professor turned around crossing her arms defiantly over her chest.

Yibo sat up straighter in his desk seat. "Sorry, Mrs. Fisk . Of course not. Your class is always very interesting."

The professor scratched her chin studying Yibo for a moment. She allowed her glasses to dangle on her finger as she watched him. Was this kid really that charming or was he the sociopath all seemed to think he was?

"So tell me, Lan Yibo, what do you know about abnormal psychology?"

Yibo glanced down at his desk then turned his dark brown eyes up to stare at Mrs. Fisk. It made a chill run down her spine the eerie way he looked at her. Mrs. Fisk realised that Yibo knew she was calling him on his ignorance of her teaching. However, his eyes told of the challenge to her to call him out like that.

"That is a large range of disorders, Mrs. Fisk." Yibo continued to stare at the teacher insolently. "That can range from depression to sexual deviation. Therefore, it depends on what disorder you are referring to."

Mrs. Fisk pushed her glasses back onto her face as she noted Yibo's confidence in his answer. She was sure he hadn't heard a word of her teaching earlier. However, he had probably had enough counselling that he knew every type of question she could throw at him. Not to mention the boy was locked up at his house for six years. She was sure he had encountered many abnormal psychological disorders.

"What type of abnormal psychology do you fall under, Yibo?" Scott spoke up, raising his hand to be high-fived by Fangxing. The class laughed along with both boys.

Mrs. Fisk found it interesting the way Yibo reacted to his classmates. She watched as he smirked while his eyes slowly closed then opened again.

"Sorry, Scott." Yibo never looked at Scott as he spoke. He simply stared down at the top of his desk. "I'm not a sexual deviant. You'll have to find someone else that you have something in common with."

Chuckling slightly, Mrs. Fisk turned around to write on the board. The class was silent as she wrote down the reading assignment. "Read chapter 3 and do the questions at the end of the titled Review Quiz."

She was really enjoying Yibo's cool mannerism. He was calculating and very intelligent. It was no surprise that he didn't fly off the handle or crawl in a hole at his classmates constantly barraging him with insults. Yibo simply answered back in a quip that caused others to take a pause before insulting him again.

Fangxing scowled as he looked at Yibo. "You really are brave to insult the way you do."

Mrs. Frisk thought the episode was over but obviously Fangxing wasn't letting it go. She stood back ready to press the call button to her intercom in case a fight broke out. She had heard about the confrontation between Fangxing and Yibo a few weeks ago. Mrs. Fisk knew she should probably intervene. However, it was a perfect time to study her course on a more personal level with her class. She would stop the confrontation if things got too heated. Yet, her curiosity was escalated on Yibo's reaction.

Yibo scratched the stubble on his chin before slumping down deeper into his chair. "I'd be careful, Fangxing. You're showing your own abnormal disorder."

"What is abnormal about me, Socio?" Fangxing's jaw twitched as his anger built against Yibo.

Yibo looked up at Mrs. Fisk. He arched one of his eyebrows and smirked. "Well, if I am the deranged lunatic the majority of this university thinks I am, you are suicidal?"

Mrs. Fisk's eyes widened in shock. "Okay, that is enough chattering today. Do the assignment."

She rubbed down her skirt as she made her way to her desk. She rubbed the bridge of her nose as she started grading papers. She'd have to thank Principal Tang for putting Yibo in her class. She wasn't sure if she was being sarcastic or meant that. The boy was definitely interesting. However, she didn't want the daily tension of keeping fights down and arguments at bay by having him in her classroom. Not only that, there was a very strong truth to what Lan Yibo had said to Fangxing. Why in the world were some students making jabs at the young man whose father choked his aunt to death ?

Mrs. Fisk breathed a sigh of relief when the bell rang to alert students of the class period ending. She watched as the students gathered their books and other belongings. Yibo seemed to go slowly as he placed his book in his book bag. His dark eyes looked up when she heard a soft male's voice. Mrs. Fisk noted that Zhan was standing at the door with Fangxing. It was a known fact by students ,as well as staff, that the two were the golden couple around college. It was more known to Mrs.Fisk because she had the unfortunate view of the couple every day for the last two years. Both Zhan's and Fangxing's locker was right in front of her room. Most of the time, Mrs. Fisk ignored the teens kissing and doing PDA. Zhan usually wasn't one to allow too heated of a kiss at college or in front of others. Mrs. Frisk was thankful for the boy's reservations.

Fangxing placed his arm around Zhan's shoulder possessively as he spoke to his friends. Zhan coyly glanced over his shoulder at Yibo. Mrs. Fisk couldn't help but notice the intense stare the two boys shared. She also couldn't help but notice Yibo's smirk when Zhan bit his bottom lip and turned around quickly to avert his gaze.

"Is something keeping you, Yibo?" Mrs. Fisk spoke up after noticing Yibo standing by her door staring out. "This is my planning period if you need to talk."

Yibo turned around facing her entirely. He had the same smirk plastered on his face. He addressed Mrs. Fisk. "I was just taking in the view, Mrs. Fisk. It is a lovely view."

Zhan's head whipped around at Yibo's words. Zhan's eyes widened and his mouth cinched tightly.

Mrs. Fisk watched curiously as Yibo turned to stare at Zhan once again. Zhan had a clear view of Yibo's profile. The boy jutted up his eyebrows at Zhan suggestively. Zhan drew in his bottom lip as his eyes travelled Yibo's entirety, like something inside him was burning.

Luckily, Fangxing was busy talking to some of his friends to notice the exchange between his boyfriend and Yibo. Mrs. Fisk felt like she was watching a drama unfold right in front of her. Yibo sauntered out of her room. His fingers danced on Zhan's back causing Zhan to take a sharp intake of air. Yibo practically chuckled at the way Zhan's body quivered with only seconds of his fingers connecting to him.

Then like that, Yibo was past the crowd of students and down the hall. Even Mrs. Fisk exhaled as Zhan did due to the tension Yibo had caused. Mrs. Fisk because she figured there would be a large fight that happened in front of her classroom if Lan Yibo didn't stop his blatant display concerning his attraction to Xio Zhan. Zhan because Yibo caused his body to tense up anytime he was around Zhan. Yet, the way Yibo assuredly touched his back secretly caused Zhan to want to unwrap Fangxing's arm from his shoulder and chase down Yibo and jump into his arms.

Mrs. Fisk rubbed her temples as the warning tardy bell rang. The students soon scurried to their oncoming classes. Mrs. Fisk wondered how long the hallway in front of her room would remain just teen talks, short make outs, and mundane routines. Because from Mrs. Fisk's point of view, Lan Yibo was definitely stirring up something and to Xio Zhan, there was nothing mundane or routine about it.

To be continued

Word Count : 1,364
Dated : 28.01.23


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Love and Kisses ❤️

- Yours Isa

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