Kill Me Now

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The Gilmore's were having their weekly dinner. The twins loved their grandparents, even if they could be extremely judgmental and condescending. "Dinner was lovely, Emily." Richard Gilmore, the patriarch of them family, said while Lola nodded in agreement. "Mira does make a perfect cassoulet." Emily Gilmore, the family matriarch, said while wiping her mouth.

The older twin glanced at her grandmother in confusion. "Who's Mira?" Lola asked her grandmother, the elder Gilmore's had a habit of going through staff as quickly as a baby outgrew their clothes. "Our cook." The grandmother said simply.

"I thought the cook was Heidi." Lorelai said looking at her mother just like her oldest. " Oh, no, we let Heidi go months ago. She had a problem closing things -- the door, the refrigerator --" Emily trailed off letting Richard swoop in. "The liquor bottle." Richard joked making the twins laugh quietly, Lola smirked, who knew Grandpa knew how to joke.

"Then it was Trina, then Sophia." Emily explained, not realizing how she sounded to the three who spent most of their time at a diner. "I liked Sophia." Richard claimed. "You did not. She was the one who sang." Emily said to her husband after seeing his confusion.

"That's right -- terrible woman." Richard said while shaking his head, Lola bit her lip so that she didn't laugh. "And after Sophia we had Anton." Emily continued her list only for the patriarch to butt in again. 

That's right. Anton was the one that I liked." Richard confirmed finally which confirmed which only confused his daughter. "I'm sorry, Dad, how do you mix up Anton and Sophia?" Lorelai questioned, not only are the names extremely different, but the two have different genders.

"What do you mean?" Richard asked, he was now the one confused, Lola laughed quietly under her breath before taking a bite of her food and watch what was about to go down.

" Well, one is a man and one is a woman."

"And your point being?"

"That one is a man and one is a woman."

"I have a lot to do in a day, Lorelai, I don't have time to keep up with a multitude of people that your mother employs."

"But one is a man and one is a woman."

The conversation ended when a women walked out with a cake, Lola's eyes lit up. The oldest  Gilmore twin was a sucker for sweets, she could eat them all day everyday. "The dinner was so wonderful, Mira." Lorelai said with a smile towards the cook. 

"It's Sarah." The cook said, she was a little offended, before going back into the kitchen. Lorelai turned to her mother with wide eyes. "Mom! Her name is Sarah!" The twins mother exclaimed angrily at her mother. "I thought she said Mira." The matriarch said with a shrug not seeing what the problem is while her daughter scoffed in disbelief.

"Hey, Grandma, these plates are really pretty." Rory said trying to avoid a bickering match between her mother and grandmother. "Thank you, Rory. They were your great-grandmother's." Emily said with a small smile. "Lorelai the first." Richard stated proudly confusing the twins. "I thought Mom was the first." Lola said tilting her head to the side, who had the name in their family first.

"Not in the name." Emily said as her daughter rolled her eyes. Lola's eyes widened in disbelief. "No, but in so many other things I was a regular trailblazer. Just finishing your thought, Mom." Lorelai snarked towards the woman making her daughters wince.

"Lorelai the first was my mother. She was an extremely accomplished equestrian, a distinguished patron of the arts, and she was also world-famous for her masquerade balls. She was quite a woman, my mother." Richard told the twins smiling fondly when speaking about his mother. "Yes she was. Mira, come cut the cake please." Emily said quickly trying to change the subject from her mother-in-law. 

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