The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton

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The twins glanced at the clock before they went in separate directions, Lola gathering all three bags and taking them to the jeep while Rory went to wake up their mother. "Did anyone do laundry lately? No we did not." Lola muttered to herself with wide eyes as her twin and mother came stumbling out of the house. 

"What are you wearing?" The older twin screeched tossing her mom the keys. "I have no clean clothes." Lorelai groaned jumping into the car. "You could have borrowed some of mine." Lola grumbled, sitting in the back seat, crossing her arms. The twins took turns sitting in the front seat, today was Rory's turn. "To late now. We have to go." Rory grumbled, glaring at their mother who rolled her eyes.

The twins watched sadly as they passed Stars Hollow High, Lane standing on the stairs watching as the jeep passes by.


The three Gilmore's were parked in front of Chilton, looking up at the large school.  "I remember it being smaller." Rory said in concern, Lola nodded with wide eyes. She was ecstatic about attending, but the school was terrifying to look at. "Yeah, and less..." Lorelai trailed off trying to find the right words. "Off with their head?" Lola offered hesitantly as she leaned between her mother and younger sister. 

"Ah." The twins mother nodded leaning forward more and looking up. Rory and Lola shared a look before glancing at their mother, then doing the same as her. "What are you looking at?" Rory asked their mother as they followed her lead. "I'm just trying to see if there's a hunchback up in that bell tower." Lorelai said in false seriousness making her oldest laugh.

The twins sighed before leaning back in their seats. "So how do we look?" Lola asked softly as Rory hugged her backpack to her chest. Lorelai smiled leaning back, looking at her daughters with motherly pride.  "You two look great." Lorelai promised, she was so proud of her daughters. "Really?" Rory asked eyeing her mother in disbelief. 

"Really. You two are amazing kids. You guys have earned this. You just go in there and show them what smart really is. I love you. Call me if you guys need me." Lorelai promised as she reached for the gear to restart the car.

After a small discussion and their mother flirting with someones father, the three youngest headed into Chilton.


The twins shared an exhausted look as they headed to the office after meeting with the headmaster alone.  "The easy part is over." Lola said sarcastically making her twin giggle while they walked into the office. 

"Hi, we're looking for Miss. James." Rory said quietly as they place their files on the counter. "Names?" Miss. James asked looking up at the twins. "We're both Lorelai Gilmore, but I go by Lola and my twin here goes by Rory." Lola stated getting a weird look but the woman pulled two files out handing them to the twins.

"Fill these out please." The secretary said handing the two girls pens before taking the files that Charleston gave them. The twins glanced at their papers before switching their papers and began filling them out. The twins had different middle names and that was often how they had to discover which paperwork belonged to them. 

Lorelai 'Rory' Leigh Gilmore and Lorelai 'Lola' Olivia Gilmore.

"Here's the dining room, the science hall, and the theater. Here's your locker number, here's your schedule, take this map. Here's the rules of the school and the Chilton Honor Code. Here are the words to the school song, which must be recited upon demand. This can happen any place, any time. If you do it in Latin you get extra credit. Do you have any questions?" Miss. James told the twins who watched in silence after she returned, sharing look between each other, not noticing their file being slipped out the window. 

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