The Twins Birthday Parties

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Hey so because I had never written a chapter of Cinnamon's wake, I put it after this one. I unpublished both chapters and swapped them around before republishing them. No editing done other than this.

All four Gilmore Girls sat with each other at the dinner table, Richard currently on another work call. "Tomorrow our lawyer, Joseph Stanford, is coming by." Emily said catching the entire table's attention. "Ugh. Crazy Sissy's dad." Lorelai groaned, the twins shared a look with each other while Emily turned to her only daughter.

"That's terrible. Sissy was a good friend of yours." Emily scolded in disbelief. "Mom, Sissy talked to her stuffed animals and they answered her." Lorelai defended herself quickly. "Let's start a new topic." Rory cut in just as quickly as her mother while Lola nodded in agreement. 

"You're impossible." The eldest denied, ignoring her youngest granddaughter. "She said a new topic, Mom." The mother of two tried just as her daughter had. "Everything's a joke. Everyone's a punch line." Emily continued on making Lola sigh and look down at the table.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Lorelai stated trying to stop the incoming argument, "My daughter, Henny Youngman." The eldest of the four grumbled as Richard walking into the dining room. "Sorry for that. A little trouble with our China office. Well. What did I miss?" The Gilmore Patriarch explained taking his seat.

"Mom was being impossible and then she turned into a jewish comedian." Lola informed her grandfather with a small laugh. "Ah. Well, continue." Richard stated taking off his glasses. "Thank you. Where was I?" Emily said before taking a sip of her wine.

"Uh, Joseph Stanford is coming tomorrow." Rory offered, hoping to forget the entire previous conversation between her mother and grandmother. "Yes. So, Rory, Lola, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner for you to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you two in our wills." Emily explained making Lola blink rapidly, wow dark topic.

"Take a look at that desk in my office. It's a really fine Georgian piece." Richard sated when the twins glanced at him in shock. "Why don't I ever bring a tape recorder to these dinners?" Lorelai asked herself looking off to the side. 

"Oh, well, anything you want to leave us is fine." Lola said waving a hand in front of her, very uncomfortable about choosing things for herself in the event of her grandparents deaths. "Nonsense. You two should have what you like. So look around and when you see something you like stick a post-it on it." Emily dismissed the eldest concerns making her nod after sharing a look with her sister. 

"OK, you two have officially hit a new level of weird that even I marvel at." Lorelai said in shock glancing at her parents.  "You can pick out things too, you know." Emily said easily looking at her only daughter. "Oh, well now it's way less creepy." The mother of two stated sarcastically but happily. 

"Did you hear that Richard? Apparently we're creepy." Emily said with a small smile, Lola giggled. "Yes, well, live and learn." Richard responded, the older Gilmore twin hoped to have a relationship like her grandparents one day. A maid walked in holding a tray before setting them in front of everyone. 

"Oh cool!" The twins said at the same time looking down at their plates. "What's that?" Lorelai asked looking at the dessert being handed out. "It's dessert." Emily said in confusion. "It's pudding." Lorelai shot back quickly, Lola looked at her mother in concern. 

"Well if you knew what it was why did you ask?" The eldest Gilmore girl questioned in confusion. "You don't like pudding." Lorelai explained quickly, equally as confused as her mother for a different reason. "Yes, but you like pudding." Emily explained simply, Lola narrowed her eyes a little before shrugging and taking a bite of her pudding. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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