2| Back To The Isle

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"Hey, Mal," y/n greeted happily as she made her way out of their shared dorm.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she then asked, noticing Mal's body language.

"Nothing, I'm fine. I just want to be alone," Mal said as she walked past y/n and into their dorm.

"Alright. Well, when you want to talk just call me, I'm always free to help, ok?" y/n said to Mal.

"Thanks n/n," Mal said before closing the door behind her.

Y/n knew that when Mal was upset she just needed to cool off and be alone before she'll talk to anyone about it. So she waited, she went over to Jay and Carlos's dorm and hung out with them for a little while.


"You enjoying yourself there?" Carlos  laughed as he looked down at y/n who was on the floor, digging through his mini fridge that sat next to his bed.

"You were the one who suggested a movie and you can't have a movie without snacks," she simply replied as Carlos laughed even more.

Jay then walked into the room as y/n had unloaded all the snacks onto Carlos's bed.

"Hey, guys, what're you doing?" Jay laughed slightly after he noticed all of the food.

"Movie marathon," y/n and Carlos said simultaneously.

"Ah, I see," he smiled as he sat down on his bed.

Just then y/n's phone rang.

"Oh, wait, hold on. It's Evie," y/n said as she looked at her phone.

"Hey, E, what's up?" she smiled.

'Where are you?' Evie asked, sounding frantic.

"Uhh, I'm in Jay and Carlos's dorm? We're about to have a movie marathon," y/n replied, confused, as she looked at Carlos who shrugged in a way of asking what's going on.

'Are the boys there too?' she asked.

"Yeah. Evie, is everything ok?" y/n asked, concerned.

'I'll be there now,' she stated before putting the phone down.

"Well, that was weird," y/n said as she leaned back next to Carlos getting ready to start their movie marathon.

"What'd she say?" Jay asked.

"She asked where I am and if you guys were here too and then she said she would be here now. She sounded worried," y/n said.

Just then there was frantic knocking on their door before Evie barged inside before anyone could answer.

"We need your help," she stated.

"Hello, nice to see you too," Carlos said sarcastically as y/n snorted.

"What's wrong?" y/n then asked when she noticed the grim look on Evie's face.

"It's Mal, she went back to the Isle," she stated.

"What?" y/n exclaimed, jumping up from the bed.

"What do you mean 'she went back'?" Jay asked.

"She left to the Isle, she feels like she doesn't belong here. Ben and I are going to go get her back and we need your help. Are you guys in?" she asked.

Y/n, Carlos and Jay then immediately grabbed their things before following Evie to the girl's dorm.

"Firstly, Ben needs a makeover," Evie stated as they walked in and saw Ben sitting on a chair ready to be given a makeover.

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