The Day Every Girl Dreams Of

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A few months after the couple's engagement the two of them, as well as all of their friends, were getting ready for the big day. Evie was of course designing and fitting outfits for everyone, Mal and Ben were organizing venues, Jay was arranging decor and flowers (who would have thought), hastling for the best deals, Gil was helping Jane with save the dates and invitations while Carlos's mother was stressing the engaged couple out even more than necessary.

Everyone was helping as much as they could that it almost left y/n and Carlos with nothing to do.

When the day arrived nothing went according to plan. The day turned cold and the sky turned gray. The heavens poured down onto the reception that happened to be held outside.

But they didn't care.

Carlos and y/n were happy. They were happy to finally be together, united legally forever. They were happy to be surrounded by the people they loved most, the people that loved then unconditionally. While everyone worried about the couple's reaction to the state their wedding venue was in the two of them couldn't be happier.

Regardless of how mother nature had decided to turn it's back on them and how y/n's veil tore and Mrs De Vil made a scene at the reception, the couple didn't care. Their friends shared beautiful speeches about the couple and they danced and laughed together as if nothing had ever gone wrong.

There was just something missing.

After the wedding y/n and Carlos made their way back towards the Isle, a box with a slice of their wedding cake held tightly in y/n's lap. The couple sat silently in the car, Carlos's hand supportively resting on his wife's knee. He rubbed his thumb in soothing circles in an attempt to ease the girl's nerves.

Once the car had stopped y/n squeezed Carlos's hand and shot him a nervous smile.

"I'll be right there with you the entire time. Always," Carlos reassured her as he brought her hand up to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on her knuckles.

Y/n's small smile grew into a grin before she kissed him on the cheek and stepped out of the car. The couple made their way towards the mossy doorway, descending the stairs that led into the dingy dungeon bellow the Isle. Carlos squeezed her hand one last time before they made their way silently down the corridors towards a familiar cell.

Y/n and Carlos stopped in front of her father's prison cell hand in hand, still in their wet wedding clothes. Y/n's father turned towards the couple when he heard the footsteps stop outside his cell.

Scar's face broke into a broken smile, the scars on it pulling tighter as he did.

"Oh, y/n," he breathed out.

"You look gorgeous," the man's eyes began to water as he looked at his daughter.

She was all grown up now.

He had wasted all those years with her, all those years where he could have been a good father to her, but instead he destroyed her childhood and broke her down. He treated her like nothing more than filth and now she had grown up without him. She had turned into a beautiful young woman and she didn't need him anymore.

Y/n dropped her husband's hand and stepped forward towards her father's cell. She slid the box of wedding cake into it with a watery smile.

"I thought you should atleast see us in our wedding outfits," she sniffed.

"And get to try the cake atleast," y/n added, nodding towards the slice of cake she had saved especially for him.

Carlos watched as the two interacted, both so broken inside that you could see it coming to the surface.

"I'm so glad you came," Scar's voice broke as he looked at the couple before him.

"I was worried that I'd never get to see you on your wedding day," he smiled warmly, the first true smile y/n had seen from him in years.

"I need some time but I want to work on our relationship," y/n suddenly spoke out softly.

Scar's smile widened as his eyes grew hopeful.

"Take as much time as you need," he smiled.

Y/n returned the smile before glancing back at Carlos. Carlos sent her a proud smile before she turned back towards her father.

"Carlos and I, we need to get going now but... I'll see you when we get back?" y/n took a step back towards Carlos as she spoke.

"I'll be here," Scar nodded.

"Take care of her for me," he then spoke as he turned towards Carlos who wrapped his arm around his wife's waist.

"Always," Carlos nodded before smiling down at her, y/n already looking up at him with watery eyes.

The couple made the ur way back out of the prison and towards the car. Once they closed the doors after themselves they turned towards one another. Y/n wrapped her arms around Carlos and pulled him in for a hug, Carlos wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and burying his face in her hair.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispered before planting a soft kiss on top of her head.

"So so proud," Carlos repeated as he pulled away so that he could look at her in the eyes.

He kissed her softly on the forehead before he was suddenly pulled down by the tie, a warm set of lips pressing firmly against his. Carlos melted into the kiss, one of his hands moving to grasp the back of y/n's neck while y/n's cupped his cheeks gently.

"I love you," y/n breathed out.

"I love you more," Carlos responded, resting his forehead against hers.

The two of them sat like that for a few moments, taking in the events of the day.

"We're married," y/n suddenly stated with a grin, her arms snaking around the back of his neck.

"We're married," Carlos repeated with a laugh.

"We're married!" y/n exclaimed loudly, Carlos laughing at his new wife.

The two of them smiled at eachother before y/n captured his lips in another kiss. Carlos pulled her as close as he could while they still sat in the car, deepening the kiss as y/n ran her hands through the boy's hair. She tugged on it gently bringing a low hum out of the boy's throat. Carlos slipped his tongue into the girls mouth swiftly, y/n pulling him down and closer towards her. One of Carlos's hands trailed lightly up and down y/n's back while the other one gripped her waist tightly. Y/n's hands moved down to the front of Carlos s shirt, gripping it tightly in her fists.

The two of them pulled apart, panting slightly as they scanned each other's eyes.

"Let's go home," they both spoke before hastily starting the car and making their way back home.

And this was just the start of their story, a new chapter with just the two of them.


Hey guys

Sorry that I kinda dissappeared of the face of the Earth for a bit there 😅

But anywayyy

Here's a short little chapter that hopefully fills your Carlosxy/n needs for now

Lots of love xxx

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