5| Operation Museam Break-in

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Later that night the girls snuck out of their dormatory and made their way to the boy's one.

"Ok, this is so unfair," y/n whined slightly as she looked around at the boy's room.

"Why do they get all the cool stuff and the nice colors?" she complained.

"Because we're the best," Jay said to her.

"In your dreams," she laughed, rolling her eyes at him.

"Jay, what're you doing?" Mal then asked as she walked over to the boy who stood next to his bed.

"It's called stealing," Jay said as he pulled a phone out of his pants and added it to the pile of stolen goods in front of him.

"Ok," Mal started "but what's the point?"

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want," he said pulling a laptop seemingly out of thin air "Except it's free."

"Ok," Mal said with a laugh "you could do that or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world."

"You sound just like your mom," Evie added as she looked up at her from her mirror.

"Thank you," Mal smirked while placing a hand over her heart.

"Ooh," y/n smiled as she grabbed an mp3 player and a box containing a new pair of headphones from Jay's pile of goods.

"You do it your way," Jay said closing his newly stolen laptop, not noticing how y/n was riffling through his things for something else to take "and I'll do it mine."

"Die, suckers!" y/n then heard Carlos shout at the screen mounted on the wall in their dorm, grabbing her attention.

"Y/n!" he exclaimed as he noticed her for the first time since the girls arrived.

She walked over to him and stepped up onto the little platform he was standing on with a smile.

"Hey," she said to him.

"Hi," he smiled at her in a daze.

"Uhm, yeah, so anyway," he continued, looking down at the two rods in his hands "You've gotta check this thing out."

"It's awesome," he continued with a small smile as he handed her the two rods.

"Oh!" she ducked as something came flying at her on the screen. She then started punching, kicking and ducking with the rods controlling the character on the screen.

"Guys!" Mal shouted as y/n continued with the game. "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy Godmother... Blah blah blah," Jay started as he hopped onto the game platform and snatched the rods away from y/n "Magic wand... Blah blah blah."

Jay then began ducking and punching as Carlos, y/n and Evie laughed at his previous statement.

"This is our one chance," Mal started irritability "to prove ourselves to our parents."

The laughter died down and Jay stopped punching at the screen.

"To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel," she continued "Yeah?"

"Evie, mirror me," she ordered as she sat down in one of the chairs around the table in the middle of the room.

"Mirror mirror on- in my hand, where does Fairy Godmother's wand... stand," Evie asked the mirror as she sat down in the chair next to Mal's.

The boys and y/n stood around Evie and Mal as they looked over Evie's shoulder at the mirror.

"There it is," Mal said.

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