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Across the ocean Louis frowns at his phone screen. The sun has just come up and it's way too early for Louis to be awake but here he is. Lying in his bed - it's Liam's actually but it is his side - and staring at black letters. He blinks a couple of times because the words haven't sunk in yet and maybe won't until he has a cup of tea in him.

"Lou?" Liam asks from the right side. "What is it?"


"Is he okay?"

"He told us to stop." Louis answers uncertainly, his voice disbelieving.

Liam groans next to him. They argued about this yesterday and decided to try but now the whole thing seems to be pointless.

"Look, I'm not happy, either. I mean, he asked us for help and everything... But he says he knows exactly what to do."

"Can we help him with that?" Liam asks.

"Definitely, but let me call Paul first." Louis replies already distracted. Before he could dial Paul's number, Liam takes his phone.

"It's five in the morning, sweetheart. We are going to meet him in a few hours. Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait."

"You're right. Why are you always right?"

Liam stares at him sleepily, barely processing Louis' words. Then he nods and grins, the grin ligthing up his whole face. Louis returns a small shy smile before rolling to Liam's side and trying fall asleep again. They can totally talk to Paul later.
246 words

Sorry, it's short, but hey Lilo!

If somebody guesses what Harry will do, I dedicate the next part to them :D

Also, I have other stories up. Check them out, please?

Ronnie x

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