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I don't care what people say when we're together.

You know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep.

I just want it to be you and I forever.

I know you wanna leave.

So come on baby be with me

So happily.

It's been a week since Niall finished his song. He doesn't really care anymore about somebody hearing it 'cause he's proud of it.

It's late in the morning, almost noon and Niall has been left alone. He faintly remembers sending Liam away when they tried to wake him up. He doesn't blame them for going out. He can manage, he just has to cook breakfast, which he rarely does. Maura has been teaching him for times like this, when there was no cereal left and no Harry to make something else for him.

(He decides later that the French toast he made was almost as good as the ones Harry makes.)

After eating, he dresses up but it doesn't go as planned. He can't find his white sweater anywhere and it brings his mood down. He thinks about stealing a sweater from Harry. It seems like a good idea so he just does it.

Liam and the boys don't get back 'till 11 and by that time Niall is singing again. He has been doing that, singing 'Happily' on the loop, louder each time. Louis walks in and stops stunned, blocking Zayn's way. Harry and Liam can't even get on the bus but they do hear Niall's booming voice. The lyrics isn't completely audible but the tune is amazing, nonetheless.

"Wow." Louis gets out of his stupor and walks over to the couch, plopping down next to the blonde. "When did you write this?"

Niall shrugs bashfully. "I finished it a week ago."

"Did you write it on your own?" Harry asks amazed, like he can't believe Niall is able to write something that's actually decent on his own. It hurts a bit but Niall just grins.

"Nah, Kevin helped a bit. You know, listening to it." They laugh, thinking maybe it's a joke and Niall's heart sinks to his stomach. He's not taken seriously, even Harry looks like he never expected this from Niall. The Irish boy knows very well that he is not a poet, still he has feelings and as a musician he has to put these into a song. And if writing a song on his own means ignoring his mates for two weeks and spending time with their tour bus driver, who has to listen to the same song for a million times, then so be it.

He stops that train of thought and looks at them again. And- Is that his sweater on Harry? Niall wants to be angry at Harry because he wanted to wear that today, tell him he can only borrow clothes after Niall himself dressed up, because that's how this is supposed to work. And at the same time he wants to cuddle Harry. He just looks so adorable, beautiful.

"Ni, why are you wearing Harry's stuff again?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows, which made him look older than he actually is.

"He started it this time!" He points at Harry who has the decency to blush when three pairs of questioning eyes stare at him. "I was going to wear that, by the way."

"But you said I could borrow?" Harry is confused, like... Niall said it was okay and now he blames him and Louis is staring at him funnily. Liam is probably just tired of their shit, while Zayn smirks at Harry and Niall, like he knows something they don't and it happens to be the funniest thing in the world. They missed the pun.

"Yes, yes, you can." Niall assures him quickly, because the sight of Harry in the blonde's clothes is too good to stop it. "Just ask if I'm not dressed yet."

Oh... And oh, Harry gets it and mumbles a quick 'sorry'. He can see Louis rolling his eyes at them from the corner of his eye.

"You two done discussing the ground rules of your relationship yet?" Zayn inquires wiggling his eyebrows. Niall and Harry blush, and the boys laugh at them.

Niall is the first to recover, he throws a pillow at Zayn for being a jerk and the worst best friend anyone could wish for.

"You lot are just jealous and lonely." Niall shouts and gets up, running around the tour bus, which proves to be difficult because

a. Not only Zayn but Liam and Louis are chasing him as well.

b. Limited space for escaping.

c. Harry is in the way, too.

Suddenly, Niall halts and pulls Harry to shield himself. Louis starts yelling at him, something about being a cheater and being a pussy for hiding.

"Find a better insult, Tomlinson. You known damn well that I'm not into pussies!"

Everything is happening a bit fast, the next moment Niall is shoving Louis' chest, not because he's actually angry. They are joking around like always except Harry squeaks out a high-pitched 'What?!' and that kind of stops everything.

"What 'what'?" Niall asks panting. Louis snickers beside him and the blonde pushes him away. They get a stern and hard stare from Liam that tells them to quit messing with each other.

"You are gay?" Harry's eyes are so wide and he sounds genuinely surprised, which makes Niall scratch the back of his head awkwardly.

He thought Harry knew because everybody does. Or maybe not. He never came out officially to the whole world, management said he should wait a bit and Niall agreed. They didn't force him into fake relationships, just asked him to stay out of trouble, don't cause scandals. He does exactly that beacuse he wants to do that. He has already liked Harry when he agreed with Simon and their management team. And when he had eyes only for a certain curly haired songwriter, it wasn't really that hard to politely reject women who hit on him.

"You didn't know?" Liam saves Niall from stating the same question.

"No, I had no idea. I just- he doesn't- he looks like he's straight and-" Harry blushes because he can't even finish a sentence, his mind jumbled up. He needs time to think about everything again.

"Harry, do you have a problem with Niall being gay?" Liam is all so serious suddenly and he ignores Louis and Zayn groaning behind his back. He can deal with them later but now he has to make sure Harry doesn't hurt Niall's self-esteem by all of a sudden changing his mind about the blonde.

"N-no, of course not." Harry stutters. He's scared of Liam, Liam who usually looks like an overgrown puppy, now looks like he's ready to fire Harry.

"Oh, c'mon, Li. Harry's gay, too."

"What?!" Liam exclaims turning to a laughing Louis.


1129 words

This part is one of my favourites.

Next one is up on Thursday.

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