Science Fair (werner x fem reader)

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(Thanks to pinkrascal- for the request! I hope you like it. Just warning you, idk how to type a German accent)

(Y/N) POV:
I quietly walked into my school's gymnasium and went over to a table with my name on it. Today was the school science fair, and I worked really hard on my project.

I put my invention front and center and my poster board behind it. I made a machine that, with the push of a button, could fold clothes in seconds.

Many other students were already here; chatting away in large groups. I never really made friends because of my shyness, but I didn't mind.

Since I still had time, I put in my earbuds and began scrolling on my phone.

No sooner I did that, someone ran up behind me and pulled down my hood. I whiped my head around to see him: Werner Werman.

He was an exception. We were lab partners when I first got to the school and we instantly clicked.

"I gotcha good didn't I!" I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"So, what did you do for your project? I'm assuming you did engineering again?"

He nodded. "I sure did! Follow me to my table."

I walked behind him and he proudly showed off his project. "A faster than average race car with a break system. Let me demonstrate."

He pressed a button the car began moving around the table. He aimed it at another kid's project, but it stopped right before hitting it.

"Wow... you're definitely getting first place."

"I wouldn't settle for less." He crossed his arms and gave his signature cocky smile.

"Alright kiddos, judges are coming in 5 minutes, so report back to your stands."

I smiled at him, "good luck!"

He rolled his eyes, "I don't need luck."

I walked back to my stand and waited. I was in the back of the gym, so I was one of the last kids interviewed.

Fortunately, we were allowed to have a few note cards with what we wanted to say, so I didn't stutter much.

After everyone was viewed, the judges left the room and our principal spoke up. "Alright everyone, the judges are now reviewing your projects. This will take them a bit, so in the meantime, we got you guys some pizza and drinks to have while you wait."

All the teens rushed to the tables, me in the back. I wasn't that hungry though, so I wasn't complaining.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Werner. "How did your speech go? Did you stutter a lot?"

"Heh, actually, only a little bit."

He gave me a sincere smile. "I'm glad to hear it! You should be more confident, you've got immense brains that need to be shown off."

I slightly blushed; he was never afraid to say what he thought.

"Oh... thanks."

We moved up in line. I just got a slice of pizza and a cookie. I walked to a foldable chair in the back of the rows and sat, Werner shortly following.

Everyone talked and ate until the head judge tapped the microphone on stage. "Ok, so everyone's projects have been reviewed, and we saw some very unique creations."

Each category was reviewed; winners going up on stage to get their paper awards and medals. The final category was engineering.

"Last but not least, our engineering category had some fierce competitors. We were stuck between two, but we have made a final decision..."

I sat there calmly and Werner looked like he was about to jump out of his seat.

"The winner of this year's engineering project goes too... Miss (Y/N) (L/N) with her clothing folding machine!"

Everyone cheered and my eyes widened. Werner gasped and froze in place. He had won 1st place every year prior.

I walked up to the stage and gave a small smile as the judge handed me the award and medal, then shaking my hand for a photo.

"Second place for engineering was Mr. Werner Werman, and third place Ben Tover."

I went back to my seat and Werner had closed his mouth, but was zoning out into space.

Every student got up and walked over to their tables to return their projects; I didn't see if Werner got up from his seat still or not.

I held my poster in one hand and my project in the other, and I was about to walk out of the school doors until I felt someone grab my arm.

"H-hey (Y/N), sorry I never said congratulations back there. You totally deserved it."

"Thanks Werner. You did really well too."

I turned around again and began walking until he called after me again.

"Wait! H-hey I've been thinking, and maybe- well I don't know- maybe y-you wanted to go down the street for some ice cream? Its on me."

"Sure! Wait-- did I just hear you stutter?"


I giggled and we walked out the doors together. This was a science fair I would never forget.

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