Chapter 4 - Necessary Evils

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Alright, so I got a small announcement to make! Ah, who am I fucking kidding, it's not small. So I have decided after reading up more on certain books that the writing style i'm currently using isn't really up to speed with how I think I should be writing at my age. Basically, I think that my current script style of writing is ass and I want to change that hence i'm going to write out more of a formal look for the chapters. Lastly, just tell me what you think of it because multiple opinions are better than one.. or something like that. Anyways, plot and story will be the same so don't worry about following some suped-up plotline or anything. That's all for now, yall!

"That is very... unexpected to say the least..." Rias closes her eyes. "So... if I may ask, why the sudden change?" Everyone looks toward the black-haired (Y/N).

He stands up to face their curious gazes.

"Put short, I have been led astray lately by powers I thought to be under my control and..." (Y/N) looks down at his right hand with a scar on it and clenches it as tight as he can. "... I'd like that to change." (Y/N) looks back up at them as Rias signals the attention back to her.

"I have a few questions more so you will have to answer if i'm even to think about this request, however I will not pry into your past if you do not wish me to."

(Y/N) slowly nods.

Rias leans her head on her hand for support. "First of all, what are you? Surely, you're not a devil or an angel since I don't feel any of those energies radiating from you."

"I guess the most common perception of an entity like myself is... a god or deity to those such as devils and angels." (Y/N) says scratching my face as Rias's intrests seems to pique. "And why would a god such as yourself want to join a peerage like mine?" Issei pops into the convo. "Yea dude, spill the beans!"

"Well, what would you do if the only thing you've ever felt any sort of connection to that also happens to be your creator suddenly dissapears seemingly without a trace which forces you into a rageful depression and killing spree for a milennia before you finally find out that that same person wanted you discarded and gone all along and even sent a psychopathic and sadistic arm-knife woman to assassinate you and replace you?"

The once curious energy within the club room has now diminished into a mix of sadness, sympathy, and anger.

"No really, what would you do?.." He sighs out loud. Kiba comes up to me and puts a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder as Issei did. "(Y/N), I don't know you on a personal level yet but I feel almost the same way as you. I was found barely alive by Rias after being lied to and used for a holy sword project. All my friends were murdered in cold blood I promised myself that i'd have my revenge no matter the cost after that." Kiba slowly develops a pained and infuriated look on his face.

(Y/N) huffs sympathetically.

"I do sympathize with you, though I don't think I deserve to." (Y/N) recomposes himself, looking to Rias for continuation. "Anything else?" The redhead smiles. "I am glad to see that you are open to sharing your feelings, but I still want to know why you want to join my family." He feels the answer swell up in his throat.

"I would simply like to experience the life of being someone who is inferior to those above me, specifically a devil's life. For so long now, i've lead a life of overwhelming power and complete conquest. Now that the one reason I still stayed as I was is gone, I feel lost. What purpose do I serve except to serve? So why not?" (Y/N) clears his throat. "I have never felt this way before to be completely honest with you.. so I am sorry if I confuse you-" Rias puts a hand up to stop him.

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