Chapter 26

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 The journey back to the valley was tense and silent, but fortunately, we managed to return undetected. It was a relief to be back in familiar surroundings, to be home. I drove the rover to the nearest cave I knew, a place that had become a refuge for us in the past. The familiarity of the cave was comforting, a stark contrast to the chaos we had left behind. Inside the cave, our old cot was still there, a reminder of the times we had spent here before everything had spiraled out of control. I carefully lifted Madi from the rover, her body still in the throes of whatever nightmares the Flame was inflicting upon her. As I carried her to the cot, I could feel her restlessness, her body twitching and turning in uneasy sleep.

Gently, I laid her down on the cot, doing my best to make her comfortable. The sight of her in such distress was heart-wrenching. She whimpered and rolled, caught in the grip of the Flame's relentless visions. It was agonizing to watch, knowing that there was little I could do to ease her torment. After what felt like an eternity, Madi's eyes suddenly flew open. She looked up at me, her gaze intense and searching. The depth of emotion in her eyes was overwhelming – fear, confusion, and a flicker of recognition. It was as if she was seeing me, really seeing me, for the first time since the Flame had been implanted.

In that moment, our eyes locked, and a silent understanding passed between us. The trauma she had endured was evident, and the burden of the Flame's memories was clearly taking its toll. My heart ached for her, for the innocent child who had been thrust into a situation far beyond her years and understanding. As I sat beside her on the cot, I reached out to hold her hand, offering a silent promise of protection and comfort. We were back in the valley, back in our safe haven, but the journey ahead was uncertain. The challenges we faced were daunting, but I was determined to stand by Madi, to support her and guide her through the storm that the Flame had brought into her life. Our bond, forged through adversity and strengthened by love, was the anchor that would see us through.

"Hey, hey, shhhh. We're home," I whispered, trying to offer Madi some solace as she awoke in a state of disorientation.

"Kegan," she said, her tone laced with suspicion as she instinctively reached for the back of her neck. "You didn't take it out. Why?"

I handed her the protective collar, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. "Because I can't destroy it," I admitted, my frustration evident. "You were crying in your sleep. Have you seen enough now to know that you don't want to see anymore?"

"Yes..." she replied hesitantly, her voice a mixture of exhaustion and resignation.

"Good," I mumbled, feeling a small sense of relief.

"But I have to," Madi continued, her expression solemn. "The other Commanders want me to see it, to feel it. That's how it works."

I bent down to her height, ensuring we were eye to eye. "Let's get one thing straight. You are my child, and I will protect you with my life. For now, I'm letting you keep that thing in your head. But if you so much as think about challenging Octavia, I will take it out faster than you can say ascende—"

"Okay!" she yelled quickly, her hand protectively covering the back of her neck.

"Good," I smirked, straightening up.

"Fine, so what's the plan?" she asked, her curiosity piqued despite the heavy conversation.

"The plan is to stop the war," I stated firmly, grabbing my pack from the rover. "Now let's go find Diyoza."

As I started to leave the cave, a lingering thought caused me to pause. I turned back to face Madi, a question burning in my mind.

"What?" Madi asked, noting my hesitation.

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