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"Don't you think,



Master Muzan."

"Good. Now, I shall work on my own part. I will fill you in when I so please, but in the meantime, you and Doma go out a eat more humans. Gain more strength, benefit yourself and I."

"Yes, Master. And shall I also gather more information about the Blue Spider Lilly?"

"Hm. Sure. But I do not expect you to find anything within this short period of time, so just feast more." "Yes, Master."


Pov: Rengoku

"Come on lad! Come over here, don't sleep alone!" He spun his head around, causing his hair to become more messy. "R-really? Are you sure-" I patted the blank space beside me. "Okay."

Pov: Tanjiro

I scooted next to him. "Thank you, Mr. Rengoku." "Lad, no need to add the Mr. every time you say my name. Just call me by my name." He said, slowing making a warm smile. "I've been meaning to ask," he started, brushing my hair. "How did you become a Demon Slayer?" "Oh. Well, after my family's, umm,..passing. I was trained by Mr. Urokodaki. He taught me water breathing, and he took me and Nezuko in. He was basically our second father, really." He still laid there messing with my hair. "I do miss him.." I said. Hoping this conversation never ends. "I'm sure this amazing man misses you and your sister as well. Sounds like a great fine man." I looked up to meet his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. They look so beautiful under the night sky, with the light hitting his face. "What is troubling you, Young Lad?" I rested my head down, closing my eyes. "Nothing, Kyojuro." He looked surprised by that statement, but I just opened my eyes to look at him with a smile.

Pov: Zenitsu

I hope Tanjiro and Mr. Rengoku are doing alright now. They seemed upset earlier, like, pretty bad upset. I can hear some whispering from Mr. Rengoku's room, maybe they're taking about the Train Mission? It's too quiet for me. I can hear Inosuke snoring through his mask, but it's not comforting at all. It feels right when all of us are in here. As much as I hate this dumb boar... he is my friend. And I do care for him. I just wish we got along more, like me and Tanjiro. And he actually gets along with Tanjiro more than me. But what do you expect? Tanjiro's the main reason we're all friends in the first place, and the reason why we have brighter days than we had before. He's our sun, and we're simply his family that lives on his planet. It's funny how he's younger than us both, but act like he's the big brother. It's cute.

Pov: Rengoku

His hair is very soft and fluffy. It reminds me of my little brothers hair. I hope he doesn't mind me messing with his hair. I should ask. "Lad, are you fine with me playing with your hair?" Oh, he's asleep. I smiled. I hope I can see my brother soon, I don't want him to be alone with our father. Father. Please, leave Young Senjuro alone. This boy needs the father I once grew up with, not this. Not an alcoholic. "Kyojuro?" Oh wow, did I wake him? I think I might've squeezed his shoulder too tight. "Yes?" "Are you mad?" He whispered. "Why do you say that, Tanjiro?" I scooted down to meet his eye level. "Well, I can smell anger. And you're scent is the only thing I can scenes right now." I kinda forgot he has a keen scene of smell. "Oh, we'll, yeah. I'm gonna be honest. I am. But it's nothing for you to worry about, okay?" I brushed his hair out of his face. "Okay, but if you would like to talk about, I'm up for it." He laughed out. "You are a kind human, Tanjiro." His face went red, how funny. "Well, I'm not the best human being. Being kind, anyone can do. Like Zenitsu and Inosuke. They're kind in their own ways."

"I feel like you don't appreciate yourself or see your worth."


⭕️Demons Hide Out⭕️

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