Chapter 2

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Jennie's POV

Once I found Jisoo we headed off to class.
"Sooo Jennie are you going to the party tonight?"Jisoo asked. "Jisoo you know I don't like party's" I said. "Ik but come one it's the first party of the senior year you have to go you can't miss this, and plus next year you'll be across the world so might as well make the most out of your time here." Jisoo pleaded. "But Chu I rather spend my Friday night at home watching a movie or reading a book" I reasoned.
"Oh come on my little shut it, you'll have fun trust me."

Jennie's POV


"Jennie we're here" Jisoo said. "Oh god" I groaned.
We got out of the car and walked towards the house.
"God damn, this place is huge" Jisoo said in awe.
"Ugh let's just get this over with" I groaned
"JENNIE, JISOO" someone yelled
"Hey Irene" I said while going in to hug her.
"Hey Jennie, I didn't think you'd be here" Irene said. "I didn't think I'd be here too, but someone dragged me here" I said while glaring at Jisoo.
"Hey if I dragged you here, you'd be more angry" jisoo said while chuckling. "Hey Irene can you go come with me to get a drink" jisoo asked.
"Fine, only cause you asked so nicely" Irene said while giggling.

"Woah, is that 'The Jennie Kim' really?" Rosé said sarcastically.
"Not now, Park" I growled.
"Oh I don't want anything other than to hang out with my favorite person" Rosé said with a smirk.
"Well I'm not Lisa so..." I said while rolling my eyes.
"No but your way better" Rosé said while smirking. "Whatever" I said.

20 minutes later

Jennie's POV

I managed to find Jisoo and Irene but of course they were taking shots and playing beer pong.

"Hey guys thanks for ditching me" I said whiling rolling my eyes.
"No problemmn JeNdukie" Jisoo said sluring her words.
Well she's definitely drunk. "Hey Chu, Hey Irene how did she get this drunk already" I said. "We'll I tried to stop her during shots but she said she was fine, so I gave up on it and now she's drunk drunk" Irene said chuckling a little.
"Heyyyy Jendukie, where's Rosé aren't you two like dating or something!?!" Jisoo said.
"NO" I was quick to defend maybe a little to quick.
"Welll it suuuurrree seems like itt, just saying she totally has a thing for youuu she's always looking at you in school" jisoo said sluring her words a bit.
"What!!! NO! Rosé Park does NOT have a thing for ME!" I whisper screamed. "Sure..." Irene chuckled.
At this point I couldn't take it and my only thought was get drunk and forget about this talk.
"Jisoo bring me to the shot table" I said
OK!!!! I got you jendukie

10 minutes later

LI'm already 10 shots in and not able to walk properly. Me and Jisoo are currently in a game of beer pong.
"YEAH JENDUKIE WE WON!!!" Jisoo yelled.
"YEAH!!! Chu ima go get somee more drinKs" I slurred..

While wobbling to get some drinks. I bumped into my someone.
"Woah what the he-, oh hey there cutie you ok, I didn't see you there." Rosé said a little concerned but she had that dumb smirk on her face.
"What I'm jusT trrying to get sum drinks" I slurred.
"Oh your drunk" Rosé said. "Im not drunk I'm sober" I said not being able to say sober.
"Woah hey there beautiful, how about you come and hang out with me and my friends. And get some drinks together" some guy said.
"Ok let's play beer pong too I'm reallly good at that" I said while grinning widely.
"Alright sweetheart, my names Kai I'll introduce you to my friends Felix, tzuyu, seulgi and taehyung.
"Alright LeTs GO" I said while Kai grabbed my hand to go see his friends.
We were walking until I felt someone's hand grab my other wrist.
"Hmmm" I said. "Jennie your not going with some guy you just met, You don't know him and I'm sure as hell not letting you go with him while your 'drunk'" Rosé said slightly angry.
"But whyyy he seems nice" I whined.
"Because your drunk"
"Bu-" I whined. "Jennie I mean it we're not doing this right now I'm taking you home end of discussion" Rosé said with a stern voice.
"Jennie it's ok just give me your number and we can hang out at school" Kai said.
"Ok" and I gave him my number.

"Jennie stop making this difficult" Rosé said
I'm not making anything difficult, I just don't wanna LEAVE let me stayyyyyy.
"NO, Jennie your not staying your drunk and you almost just left with some random guy" Rosé said
"He's not some random guy I have a class with him. I think" I said.
"Jennie please just get in the car" Rosé sighed.
"Nooooo, you can't make me" I said while sticking my tongue out.
Then out of nowhere Rosé came up to me and picked me up.
"Hey put me down" I yelled while hitting her back. "No Jennie, I have to take you home. I don't feel ok with having you being at the party drunk with random people" Rosé said calmly.
"But he's not a stranger I'm pretty sure I have a class with him" I said
Rosé was about to reach the car until I decided something... something I'll probably regret later.
"Rosé I think there is something on my face can you check for me" I said. "Ok?" And she checked
"There's nothing there, wait Jennie why are you looking at me like tha-
I gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
I tried to say something but I couldn't stop giggling.

Rosé POV

"Ok Jennie were here" I said
But to my surprise she was asleep. She looks really cute when she sleep. I thought while smiling to myself.
"Jennie we're here" I said while shaking her a little. "Hmmm" jennie hummed. "Jennie wake up we're here" I said
"Hmmmm, no I don't wanna wake up. Rosé can you carry me?" Jennie said tiredly.
"Come on" I said while picking her up.
I walked into her house. I mean i kinda live there im always here. I brought Jennie to her room and plopped her in her bed. 
"Hmmm" she groaned
I tucked her into bed and was about to leave.
"Rosie" my heart skipped a beat when I heard her say that.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Can you stay the night please"

— Welp that's all
Your fav author bear here to say if you have any suggestions for more characters you can say and I'll probably add them

Now the real question will Rosé spend the night?!?!

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