Part 3

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Rose POV

"Jennie, I really shouldn't" I said.

"Come o-n pleaseee, your so w warm and cuddlily" Jennie begged.

"Jen, your gonna regret this once you sobered up" I said.

"No I won't, who would regret cuddiling with somone this cute" Jennie said slightly smirking.

"Fine" I said finally giving in.


Once we got into bed I laid down next to Jennie not close enough to touch. Cause I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Rosie" Jennie said sounding sleepy. "Yes?" I said.

"Why aren't you cuddling meee, I'm colddd" Jennie asked.

"Jennie I'm not gonna cuddle you" I said a little sternly.

" What whyyy?" Jennie asked while pouting.

"Because your not gonna be happy once you sober up" I said.

"It's fine, just cuddle me please" she said while giving me puppy dogs eyes. "Fine" I said. Don't judge me you would do the same if you were in my position.


Jennie's POV

Next morning

"hmmm, fuck my head" I woke up with a killer headache.
Wait there's what the heck is that?
Note? Let me see what the freak it says.


Hey Jennie I left you some water and pain killers. By the way thanks for the cuddle sesh you honestly wouldn't let me go when I tried to get up. Oh yeah btw I'm downstairs making breakfast.

"WHAT!!!!!!" I whisper yell. Rosé was in my bed last night and we cuddled this is bad really bad. Was she drunk last night too? No I didn't see her drink!!! OH NO OH NO. Is she the one who carried me out of the party when I got drunk!! OH NO and she stayed the night. And just to make it worst she didn't just stay the night she stayed in my bed cuddling me!!
"Fuck" I said to myself
Oh my God, what else did I do, 'think Jennie think'.
Ok great of course my body gave up on me.
"Uhm Good morning" I said slightly nervously
"Oh your up Morning, I made breakfast so eat up" Rosé said while smiling.

-after breakfast

"So.. uhm sorry about yesterday, you know" I said slightly embarrassed.
"Oh, yeah" Rosé said while chuckling
"Uhm sorry for you know making you sleep in my bed cuddling you" I mumbled the last part
"Oh yeah, don't worry about it I always love a good cuddle sesh especially with someone as cute as you. Rosé said
I froze
"Uhm y yeah" I said silently cursing myself for stuttering.
"Calm down Jennie, it's just me" Rosé calmly said.
"So... did I do anything while I was dru-
"ROSIE!!!" Lisa yelled.
"Hey Lis" Rosé said.
"What are you doing here?" Lisa asked
"Oh I took Jennie home last night cause your ass was to drunk to stand, and apparently it runs in the family cause I had to carry Jennie drunk ass back" Rosé said rolling her eyes jokingly
"Oh yeah hehe sorry about that, Jen" Lisa said sounding sincere.
"Don't worry about it, at least I got back home safe" I said. "Yeah thanks to me" Rosé said.
"Oh shush" I say playfully hitting her arm.
"Ouch, is that how you treat someone who just took care of you" Rosé said a slight smirk forming .

"sorry" Jennie said sarcastically.

"Anyway Rosé are we going to the movie or not?" Lisa asked

"Yeah, come on let's go" Rosé said

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