Chapter 5

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Jennie POV

I dont know why but I was so sad when that girl kissed Rosé on the cheek. It's probably nothing.

Or maybe is it because I saw her first not that 'Girl' gosshhh Jennie why are you thinking like this, you shouldnt be sad your the baddest bish out there Rosé would be crazy not to fall for me.

(Time skip because your author is lazy)

At School


Shit shit shit I'm fucking late. That damn teacher is gonna embarrass me again and then I'll be stuck listening to Lisa teasing me the whole time.

Ok Rosé your ok all you have to do is just walk in like you own the place. I got this.

"Ok class and that is how you cut the fake bitches out of your life" Thank god he looks to focus in the lesson hopefully he doesn't notice me.

"Mrs Park you are late"
"Uh sorry sir, My car broke down"
"Hmm ok go take a seat"

As I'm heading to my seat I walk past him and he whispers.

"Mrs park im not like your other teachers I know you probs slept in and also if I recall you ride a motorcycle. But don't worry you didn't miss much I was to lazy this morning to plan anything so we're just gonna watch a movie. And don't lie to my next time you can say anything to me I'm not like that bitch ass Mrs Cran"

"Your right sorry sir"
"Ewww being called sir sounds old"
"Right mb Mr T"
"I'm kidding you know me but yeah Mr T sounds better"

I love Mr T he's honestly the best sometimes he'll embarrass us but he always joking so no one has ever actually felt embarrassed. He's actually only 23 so he like our best friend and his classes are always fun and the test he gives us which is like never are always easy.

Finally I'm at my seat.

"Mrs Park I heard your car broke down would you like to explain"
"Oh shut it Lalisa"

"Ok class what movie do you wanna watch?"

Cars, ProjectX, Ted, kissing booth, Mean girls"

"Hell yes mean girls now your talking also who said project X i love that movie but we can't watch it in school"

After class

"Lisa I'm starving let's head to lunch"
"Alright biatch"

At lunch

"Oohh is that my dearest sister Jennie that you may or may not be crushing on" Lisa said
"Shut it lalisa" I snapped
"Oohh someone is getting protective" Lisa said smirking

Oh shit Jennie is walking by us should I tease her a bit.

"Hey gorgeous" I said
"I know" Jennie said
"Wanna hang out later" I asked
"You wish Park" Jennie said then left.

"DAMN rejected" Lisa slightly yelled
"Shut it Manoballs" I snapped
"Hey that's mean" she said frowning

"Get over it" I said then I started walking away
"Your still coming over today right dipshit!!!"Lisa yelled.
"Yes manoballs I'll be there!!" I yelled back

Time skip cause you have a Lowkey lazy author

At Lisa house

*Knock Knock Knock*


"Hey chill and again your taller then me" Lisa said
"Let's go im planning on staying the night" I said
"Boss, wait we have school tomorrow" Lisa said
"Like that's stopped us before" I retorted.


"Lili, I'm hungry can you order so food" I said
"Rosie your always hungry" she said
"Ik but like I'm so hungry right now I can eat a whole buffet" I whinned
"Damn Rosie, fine what do you want to eat" Lisa asked.
"Kimchi!!!!!" I basically yelled
"Ok ok ok" she cooed
"Let me ask Jennie if she wants anything." She said

"JENNIE" Lisa yelled
"WHAT" jennie yelled back
"COME HERE" Lisa yelled
"OK" jennie yelled then came downstairs.

"We're ordering food do you want anything?" Lisa asked.
"No I'm good I'll just steal whatever Rosé is getting" jennie said with a smug look.
"Hey!! I don't share my food with anyone" I exclaimed.
"Ehh don't care" and with that she left
"Damn she's gonna steal your precious food" Lisa teased"
"Shut it, and order the food"
"Ok, bossy"

End of the chapter it's a little short but I'll have at least to uploaded tmr so yeah

Don't forget to Vote and if you have any ideas for this story to make it better or requests for new story's.

Also is it just me or do you feel some romance coming.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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