Initiation Pt. 1

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Ghost POV

Today was the day he was dreading. Today was his Justice League initiation and he didn't want to go. He had gotten into his suit 2 and a half hours ago, and his daughter had been steadily getting him to the window to leave.

Batman was supposed to pick him up and take him to the newly acquired 'Hall of Justice', which was just a building the government gave them, and it was just starting to be renovated by Wayne Tech employees, which Batman, well, technically Bruce Wayne payed for.

Dani was literally about to just shove his ass out the window to get him to go. He was serious, his body was currently dangling over the railing on the fire escape, 90 stories above the ground, and she was slowly getting him further over due to his inability to push her away.

"You have to go!" She told him.

"But I don't wanna!" He complained (he doesn't whine, but that was the closest he would get) as she slowly got him more over the rail, her physically pushing him.

"You agreed to it, you have to go." Dani explained.

He groans. "I agreed to join their super secret boy band, not go to," he groans harder "meetings." Then he mockingly shivers before fake gagging.

She gives him a level look. "Tough luck. It's important, and you consider being Ghost your 'job', right?"

"Yeah... Where are you going with this?"

"If this is your job, then consider meeting that 'super secret boy band' a work meeting." She explains, which he sighs to.

"Fucking fine, I'll go." He relents, Dani throwing her head back and cheering.

"Awesome! You to have fun, and try not to bang Wonder Woman in a closet, that would be difficult to explain. And I didn't want to have to push you over the rail."

He glares at her slightly, and fun fact, she is one of 3 people immune to his glare. "I won't, she's not even interested in me that way. And what would I have done if you did?" He asked.

Dani responded instantly with, "You would have used one of your endless backup plans to save yourself. I assume there's a trick arrow in there?"

He sighs before nodding. "Yes. I have an arrow that spreads out into a parachute."

She grins and replies, "Good. Now go to your meeting point, Batman was supposed to get there an hour ago according to Alfred's messages." He nods, acknowledging this. Who knew that every member of the Justice League got up that early? It's actually 8 in the morning right now, on a Saturday. Who the hell gets up that early on a Saturday, other than military personnel, League of Assassins members, Ghost, Dani, and Batman, presumably Robin too, wherever he was.

He then nods and just pushes himself completely over the railing, getting a slight scream from Dani as he pulls a parachute arrow and hits the manual release button, it saving him and pulling him up enough on the wind catch and allowing him to hop down into a roof, the parachute part going back into the arrow after he hit another button, it retracting back into the arrow. Then he put it back in his quiver and took off.


Getting to the meeting spot he found a irritated Batman, who didn't even bother covering it up as he looked at Ghost. "I have been standing here for 2 hours." Okay, he took a detour for donuts that caused him to take another half hour to get there, fine. In his defense, it was one of the rare times he actually wanted to eat and he wanted something good, damnit. He also ate gum to wash the smell of donuts away so nobody would investigate donut shops simply because Ghost ate something from them.

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