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The first thing Aadhya did when she woke up was scream because a certain someone had entered her room and was seated on her couch, watching her sleeping.

She narrowed her eyes at him and asked,"What are you doing here?"

"Just watching you sleep." He shrugged his shoulders casually.

"That's creepy." She said while getting up from the bed and looking at her son for a while before grabbing her clothes and entering the bathroom.

Arhaan sighed and sat on the bed beside his son. He cupped his delicate cheek with his big hands and planted a small kiss on his forehead which made the little boy smile in his sleep.

He continued rubbing his rough palm on his soft cheek and said,"I cannot live without you and your mumma. I want you both to live with me, but I know your mumma won't agree. I don't blame her, to be honest but all I want is for you two to stay with me. Will you help me convince your mother?"

Just then, the little boy opened his beautiful eyes and looked at his father groggily while rubbing his eyes with his small hands.

"You will help me, right?" Although he didn't understand what his father was talking about, he nodded at whatever his father said anyways.

The opening of a door interrupted their moment. Arhaan and Aayansh turned to look at Aadhya who had stepped out of the shower wearing a purple dress that reached just above her ankle. Her hair was tied up in a towel and her face was glowing from the hot shower she just took.

She ignored her potential husband and moved towards her son, giving him a kiss on his cheek. The little boy reciprocated the kiss without saying anything.



"I want to talk to you."

"Then talk. Nobody is stopping you."

"In private."

"There is no-one else inside this room, Arhaan. What do you want to talk about?"

"I think that you and Aayansh should move in with me."

Whatever sleep that was left within Aayansh disappeared the moment he heard Arhaan's words.

"I don't care about what you think."

"Aadhya, you can't keep me away from my," His voice dropped down to a whisper,"son."

"I can because I am his legal guardian and I deem you unfit to stay near my son."

"What the—? I don't care about law and out of all people, you should know that. And, I certainly don't care if you deem me unfit to stay near him. I am perfectly capable to take his custody, but I am not doing so because I don't want you to get separated from him."

"Was that a threat, Mr. Ahuja?"

"Whatever you want to believe."

Aadhya smirked which made Arhaan bewildered,"These threats won't work on me, because Pallavi, your sister, promised me that she will make sure I win the case if you decide to fight for custody of my son."

He scoffed,"Where do you think all this fame and money comes from?"

He pointed at his exorbitant attire which consisted of a plain blue coloured jeans and a white shirt.

Aadhya's brows scrunched in confusion,"From your businesses?"

Though she was quite confident that Arhaan only ran some businesses which were all over the world, her answer came out as a question because now, all of a sudden, she felt that she didn't know about his occupation. The way he asked that rhetorical question said it all.

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