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There was a list of things Arhaan could do to gain Aadhya's forgiveness.

One of them being planning a day full of surprises, just for her.

He did not know why he was so keen on making her forgive him, but he just couldn't look into her hate-filled eyes anymore.

He knew that he did not deserve her forgiveness, but he just didn't want to be the first person on her hate-list. He didn't want to be the person she loathed with all her heart.

He wanted something beyond hatred from her. Something which was kind of associated with love.

So, now that he had settled everything, he just wanted to focus on achieving her forgiveness.

"Aadhya?" Arhaan called out to the closed door of his room where Aadhya was getting ready for their sudden day-out.

After a lot of persuasion from Arhaan's side, she had finally agreed to go out with him.

"Just give me five minutes." She yelled back while quickly wearing her black coloured boots.

When she finally opened the door, Arhaan's eyes went wide and his jaw nearly touched the ground seeing how beautiful she looked, even with minimal makeup applied on her flawless face.

As the winter in Delhi was nearly intolerable, she wore a grey colored, turtleneck body-con dress with black boots and a black overcoat.

"You look ethereal, love." His eyes gazed upon hers with such an intensity that she shied away from him and stepped sideways without acknowledging his comment.

The both of them stepped down the stairs and towards the living room where Pallavi and Akshay were waiting for the two of them.

Pallavi beamed when she saw the beautiful couple together and wished them a happy and good day, before she weaseled her way out to her room, simply because she didn't want anybody to find out her preposterous secret.

When she had reached her room, she shut the door with a loud bang and opened the door of her closet which had become a hiding space for Rachit.

"Why do you always come at strange times? Do you not fear that my brother will sue you if he catches you in my room?"

"My love, he will need a lawyer to sue me, and as I, myself, am a very good lawyer, I can very well defend myself."

"You cannot defend yourself when you, yourself, are the culprit." She rolled her eyes and tried to flick his forehead—which was yet another failed attempt as he grabbed her hand before she could do what she wished to for as long as she remembered.

"Then I will get you to be my lawyer."

"And why will I fight against my brother?"

"Because you love me."

"Who said I love you?"

"So, you don't?"

"Of course not. I just love Aadhya, my brother and my little nephew." She smiled at him a little too innocently. "Which reminds me that I have to take him to the amusement park. So, you will have to go now."

"What if I accompany you?"

"You don't need to."

"But I want to."

"Okay, fine. But refrain from telling my innocent nephew anything stupid or else I will have to castrate you with my bare hands."

Rachit looked at her with mirth shining in his almost brown eyes and nodded his head obediently.

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