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The loud banging on the door made the young lady wake up from her 3 hour long sleep.

She grumbled underneath her breath and opened the door, only to get the shock of her life.

Standing in front of her was the last person she wanted to meet right now. She had prayed to God to not let him enter inside, but God never really listened to her, did he?

Before she could say anything, her eyes wandered down to her clothes and widened to an extent that it made her look comical, but she couldn't care less right now.

As she was the only one in the house at this moment, she had chosen to wear a particular piece of cloth she would never even dare to see usually.

She wore a red, lacy lingerie and even though her chest was secured by the silk robe from the hungry eyes of the man in front of her, her smooth, just-shaved legs could not be saved from him for the robe passably covered her thighs.

"Wh–what are you doing here?" She hid behind the door. All the sleepiness flew out of the window when she saw who was at the door.

"I came to meet you, of course." He cleared his throat and pried his hungry eyes away from her legs with great difficulty.

"You met me, right? Now, get lost." She pried herself away from the door and shut it with a loud bang.

Then, she collapsed on the bed and slept immediately while thinking about the person who managed to break into Arhaan Ahuja's mansion.

This reminded her that she didn't ask how he came here.

'I will definitely ask him when we will meet next time.' She thought.


"Oh, you are back!" Pallavi exclaimed while descending the stairs.

She had changed from her red, lacy lingerie and wore a simple hoodie instead.

"Isn't that my hoodie?" Arhaan questioned while narrowing his eyes.

"Uh–yes. So what? Can't I borrow my brother's things?"

"You didn't borrow it. You stole it." He dead panned.

Pallavi shrugged her shoulders and plopped down on the plush couch beside Aadhya, who watched their interaction with a bored expression,"Same thing."

"Guys, please shut up. I don't want any stupid fights here. If you want to argue, then you can have the whole library to yourself." Aadhya interrupted when she saw Arhaan open his mouth from her periphery vision.

"She started it." "He started it." Both of them complained at the same time while pointing their first finger at each other.

The woman who was stuck between three kids sighed and let the two siblings bicker.

Aadhya rested her head on the back of the couch and closed her eyes for a while.

She was so tired that she didn't even realise when she fell asleep.

Amidst all this chaos, Aayansh kept laughing silently and then laid down beside his mother, who was already sleeping by then.

"Shush! Let them sleep now, you pig." Pallavi shushed him when she noticed the two people sleeping.

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